Jasmine - Atileon/OC-p8 GitHub Wiki


Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. It does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks. It does not require a DOM. And it has a clean, obvious syntax so that you can easily write tests.


The Tests Process

So, the tests follow the next process:

describe("A suite is just a function", function() {
  var a;

  it("and so is a spec", function() {
    a = true;



  • describe(description,specDefinitions) Create a group of specs. This section is often called "suite" . Calls to describe can be nested within other calls to compose your suite as a tree
Name Type Description
description String Textual Description of the group
specDefinitions function Function for Jasmine to invoke that will define inner suites and specs

  • it(description, testFunction, timeout) Define a single spec. A spec should contain one or more expectations that test the state of the code.

A spec whose expectations all succeed will be passing and a spec with any failures will fail.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
description String Textual description of what this spec is checking
testFunction implementationCallback <optional> Function that contains the code of your test. If not provided the test will be pending.
timeout Int <optional> jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL Custom timeout for an async spec.

Create an expectation for a spec.

Name Type Description
actual Object Actual computed value to test expectations against.

Mocking Our Modules

└── test
   ├── ControllerSpec.js
   └── SpecRunner.html

How show the code above, the Test folder contains the file where we gonna do tests (ControllerSpec.js) so for our case there was created a Mock of our app to be tested, whitin the main Suite

var subject, model, view;
   //Emulates Our Model
  var setUpModel = function(todos) {
    model.read.and.callFake(function(query, callback) {
      callback = callback || query;

    model.getCount.and.callFake(function(callback) {
      var todoCounts = {
        active: todos.filter(function(todo) {
          return !todo.completed;
        completed: todos.filter(function(todo) {
          return !!todo.completed;
        total: todos.length


    model.remove.and.callFake(function(id, callback) {

    model.create.and.callFake(function(title, callback) {

    model.update.and.callFake(function(id, updateData, callback) {
   // This Emulates Our View
  var createViewStub = function() {
    var eventRegistry = {};
    return {
      render: jasmine.createSpy("render"),
      bind: function(event, handler) {
        eventRegistry[event] = handler;
      trigger: function(event, parameter) {

Thus we create into a beforeEach() function which will call at every single spec the inner function

beforeEach(function() {
    model = jasmine.createSpyObj("model", [
    view = createViewStub();
    subject = new app.Controller(model, view);

Example test

So, let see one little example:

it("should show entries on start-up", function() {
    //Given all TODOS: active or completed
    let todos = [
      { title: "first todo", completed: true },
      { title: "second todo ", completed: false }
    // setup the model
    //passing an empty string('') on setView method indicates that it's the first page

    //Then the application show the entries at startup
    expect(view.render).toHaveBeenCalledWith("showEntries", todos);

So, once you run the SpecRunner.html , the result is:


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