VRCEUiPage - AtiLion/VRCMenuUtils GitHub Wiki

VRCEUiPage Docs

Requires The VRChat.UI namespace

Table of Contents

VRCEUiPage(string name, string displayName)

Creates a new menu page.


  • name - The name of the button gameobject(needs to be unique)
  • displayName - The display name of the page visible to the user
VRCEUiPage page = new VRCEUiPage("pgeTest", "Test Page");

VRCMenuUtils Properties

bool Success

Returns true if the component has been successfully created.

Unity Objects

Transform Control

Returns the root Transform of the component.

RectTransform Position

Returns the position of the component.

UI Objects

VRCUiPage Page

Returns the VRCUiPage instance of the component

Component Events

Action OnPageActivated

Executed when the page is shown to the user.

VRCEUiPage page = new VRCEUiPage("pgeTest", "Test Page");

page.OnPageActivated += () {
	// Code

Action OnpageDeatvitvated

Executed when the page is hidden from the user.

VRCEUiPage page = new VRCEUiPage("pgeTest", "Test Page");

page.OnpageDeatvitvated += () {
	// Code

Component Functions

void AddChild(Transform child)

Sets the passed Transform's parent to the page.


  • child - The transform who's parent to set to the current page
VRCEUiPage page = new VRCEUiPage("pgeTest", "Test Page");
