Screen Rocker - Ateozc/RoA-Stream-Tool GitHub Wiki

How it works

Screen Rocker refers to an external tool that updates a file (RoAState.json) that we can utilize for controlling the Stream Tool. The external tool must be setup to do the full automation. That will be covered below in the installation guide.

This plugin is part of a bundle only, as it does require other plugins to work (OBS Control and Vod Rename). However, you do not have to use all the features.

If you dont want to use the external tool, but still want some of the other features this offers, that is possible and will be covered more in depth in the "How to Use" section

The tool has many toggleable items that can control how things handle. While it does read from the RoAState.json file, you can choose what it uses. Features of this tool include:

  • Auto Check if players are in match (Ie: they are fighting, and not in stage/character select).
  • Auto Character change
  • Auto Skin select
  • Auto Team Color update
  • Auto Score Update
  • Auto Best Of Update
  • Auto Apply updates (this will apply any changes automatically to the stream tool whenever the RoAState.json is updated).

Screen Rocker OBS features (These require the OBS Plugin to work).

  • Full OBS Control with Scene changes
  • Auto Recording
  • Auto create Thumbnail
  • Auto File Rename (Requires the Vod Rename plugin)


Yea. I know. Crazy hard to setup if you intend on using the full automation. If you need someone to help walk you through this setup, you can always reach out to me as I have done this many times.

  1. If you haven't already, please setup OBS Control and Vod Rename. Once completed, proceed.
  2. If you intend on having the game auto update, you will need to also setup the Screen Rocker application. (Skip to step 13 if you are only using this with replays/workshop or are not on Windows).
  3. Where you placed the files from the zip there should be a folder called "Screen Rocker"
  4. Open up the "RoA.ScreenUI.exe" file located within the "Screen Rocker" folder.
  5. Change the save location to be within your Stream Tool folder. It should point to the following: "Stream Tool\Resources\Texts\RoAState.json"
  6. If you get an error, reopen and try again. (sometimes it crashes. It happens).
  7. To use the application, you must have Rivals of Aether running on a full screen, at 1080p. The application will not work otherwise.
  8. If you intend on having the Stream run on a different computer than where the game is running, continue to step 9. If not, continue to step 13
  9. You will have to tether your computers over a network (either through lan or wifi).
  10. With the two computers linked, you will want to move the Screen Rocker folder to the computer that is running the game. (It doesn't matter where on the computer).
  11. On the computer running the game, open up the Screen Rocker and follow steps 4-7. You will be pointing the save location on the Stream computer.
  12. Once you have setup everything and have the game running in 1080p full screen, it will track the changes in the RoAState.json.
  13. Done.

How to Use

In this section, I will go over each toggle and explain every detail I can. This matters most for those of you who use dont want to use the Screen Rocker application or intend on using replays/workshop. At this moment in time, Replays/Workshop do not work with the Screen Rocker application and do not update it correctly. As those are not fully supported it will require you to do things a bit differently (dont worry, its all stuff within the Tool itself).

If you cant use the Screen Rocker application, are using workshop, or using replays, here are the features you cannot use at this time:

  • Auto "In Match"
  • Auto Character Select
  • Auto Skin Select
  • Auto Team Color Update
  • Auto Score Update
  • Auto BestOf Update
  • Auto Apply Update

While you can technically have them enabled, the Screen Rocker will not correctly update the RoAState.json for you. This means you will end up with incorrect characters and the like.

"Does this mean I can't use it?" No. It just means that you will have to still handle those things. You can still utilize the Auto OBS Control if you follow my guide below "Using Screen Rocker for Replays/Workshop"

That section will give you a complete rundown of what you can/can't do.

You will still want to read about what each toggle does, as that section will reference them. Most are self explanatory. Alright. Lets walk through what each toggle does so you know how to use it.

Enable Screen Rocker

This enables the functionality of "using" the RoAState.json. This doesn't mean it actually uses any of it.

With this enabled, you are able to control OBS, even if you dont use the other toggles. Neat right? Those of you who cant use the Screen Rocker tool, are using workshop, or using replays can still get most of the functionality out of this.

If this is disabled, all the other items will cease to update/run. This means you can setup which items you want then enable this. (Say you want Characters to update, but not skins, it will do so without updating the characters on the tool until the Enable Screen Rocker checkbox is checked).

In the event the tool registers that a player has won, it will auto-disable itself. (player has a score of 3 in a Bo5, or score of 2 in a Bo3). This aspect works based upon the tool, and doesn't require the RoAState.json to update the score. NOTE: If you disable this while the Auto OBS Control is running, it will NOT always stop the recording.

Enable 'In Match' Override

This has a primary purpose of being used to override the RoAState.json that indicates if players are in a match or not. This is important because the way Screen Rocker controls OBS from the Stream Tool is partly ran by this value. This toggle allows you to override the value yourself, which works for everyone (including those who aren't even using the Screen Rocker application).

In Match

This shows whether or not the players are currently in a match. Depending on whether or not this is checked will change which Scene on OBS the Auto OBS Control will show. While checked, it means they are in a match playing against each other (as in, they already selected the stage and are playing)

If the players are not in the match, it will show the Transition scene(if selected, otherwise, it will use the In Game scene).

If the players are in a match, it will show the In Game scene.

If you have the override enabled, you can forcibly change which scene shows.

Character Update

If this is toggled on, it will update the players characters based upon the data in RoAState.json. This works for all 4 players.

If this is toggled off, you cannot toggle the Skin Update checkbox.

Skin Update

If this is toggled off, it will use the default skin, always.

If this is toggled on, it will try to use the player's preset skin. If it cant, it will default to the Default skin.

Team Color Update

If this is toggled off, the team colors in the tool will not be adjusted.

If this is toggled on, the team colors will reflect the player slots (unless you are doing Dubs. In which case, itll always be red/blue).

Score Update

If this is toggled off, the score will not be automatically set by the tool.

If this is toggled on, the score for both players will automatically be set.

BestOf Update

If this is toggled off, the BestOf will not be automatically set by the tool.

If this is toggled on, the BestOf will automatically be set.

Auto Apply Update

If this is toggled off, you will manually have to hit Update on the tool to push the Stream Tool data to the Stream (data referring to the player information, tournament, round, etc).

If this is toggled on, Stream Tool data will automatically push itself to the Stream upon update of the RoAState.json

Start Auto OBS Control

This is a button that starts the Auto control of OBS. It can do the following, based upon the toggles enabled

  • Scene Control to control which scenes show on the screen based upon where we are in a set.
  • Auto Record the set. This will end when the set has finished (a set ends when a player's score hits the minimum needed to end the set. 2 in Bo3, 3 in Bo5).
  • Auto create Thumbnail (Requires Vod Directory)
  • Auto File Rename (Requires Vod Directory)

In order to use the OBS Control you will have to specify at least one of the following

  • Scene Control (this requires Start and In Game scenes).
  • Auto Recording
  • Auto create Thumbnail
  • Auto File Rename

Once started, OBS Control can be stopped, which will attempt to stop recording (if you have auto recording enabled). The way it runs is as follows (if it mentions something with the toggle, assume you have it enabled for that step to hit):

  1. Change Scene to Start Scene
  2. After a delay of 1.5 seconds, it will get a thumbnail screenshot of the character information on the VS Screen.html (this means, itll be our default thumbnail always).
  3. After a delay of 5 seconds since we changed to the Start Scene, it will transition to the Transition Scene or the In Game scene (this depends on if we are currently 'In Match'
  4. Wait for one of the following to occur:
  • In Match changes, we will swap the scenes immediately. (Loops indefinitely until end of set occurs).
  • Set ends, we will follow end of set procedures
  • Wait for the Auto OBS Control to be stopped, which will proceed to end of set procedures.
  1. If we are here, we are starting the end of set procedures.
  2. Stop recording
  3. Change the scene to the End Scene
  4. After a delay of 6 seconds, Rename and Move all vod files (mp4, flv, and png)
  5. OBS Control sets itself to off, and you are then free to enable it again (given you have reset scores).

Scene Control

This toggle gives you the ability to use automatic Scene Transitions. Currently only supports 4 scenes, with 2 of them being required. In order to use Scene Control, you must have a Start Scene and an In Game Scene. If you dont have them, it will not work. If you dont have a Transition Scene it will use the Start Scene as the Transition Scene. If you dont have an End Scene, it will use the In Game Scene instead.

You are able to toggle this off at any point during the Auto OBS Control. If toggled off, OBS scenes will need to be handled manually.

Auto Recording

If toggled on, this will start recording the set and stop recording when the set is completed. The Set starts when you click the button to Start Auto OBS Control. The Set stops when a player hits the required score to end the set or you click the Stop Auto OBS Control button. If toggled off, you will have to control recording manually through OBS (or via the OBS Control Start Recording button).

Auto create Thumbnail

If toggled on, this will create a thumbnail based on the VS Screen.html. If you need examples, you can always view my youtube. This does require you to have a Vod Directory selected in the Vod Rename plugin section. All thumbnails will be named with the current timestamp in png format. Example: 1678751362440.png If toggled off, this will not create a thumbnail and you will have to make one yourself.

Auto File Rename

If toggled on, after a set finishes, it will rename all the Vod files in the provided directory, and move them to the subfolder structure here: Vod Directory Folder\Tournament Name\Game\MatchInfo. For more information on how the Vod Rename works, please check out the documentation for the Vod Rename plugin. If toggled off, no files will be renamed/moved.

Scene Selectors

Scenes are used in OBS to show different screens. If you have been using the stream tool then you already have the 2 main scenes we need. This will explain each scene for you in depth.

  • 1 - Start Scene
    • This scene is REQUIRED.
    • The first main scene is the Start Scene.
    • This should be the scene that contains "VS Screen.html"
    • This will be used at the start of a set.
  • 2 - Transition Scene
    • This scene is OPTIONAL.
    • This scene can be any scene you want.
    • If you dont select a scene, this will default to the Start Scene.
    • This scene will be used after the Start Scene plays out, during the set when the players are not currently In Match.
  • 3 - In Game Scene
    • This scene is REQUIRED.
    • The second main scene is the In Game Scene.
    • This should be the scene that contains "RoA Scoreboard.html"
    • This scene will be used after the Start Scene plays out, during the set when the players are currently In Match.
  • 4 - End Scene
    • This scene is OPTIONAL.
    • This scene can be any scene you want.
    • If you dont select a scene, this will default to the In Game Scene.
    • This scene will be used when the end of a set has been triggered.
    • In terms of vods, this will not be scene, as we stop recording before transitioning to it.

As an example, if you watch any of my vods it will show this progression in order: Start Scene, Transition Scene, In Game Scene, Transition Scene, In Game Scene, End Scene. (The In Game/Transition scene can switch back and forth as long as the set is still ongoing). Further explanation of my own items: My Start Scene is the basic Scene I was using that had the "Vs Screen.html" file. My Transition Scene is a slightly different scene than my start scene. While it just so happens to contain the "Vs Screen.html", it also contains video stream of the game. So that way, you can see both the Player info, Scores, Tourney information, as well as what the players are currently doing on the game. My In Game Scene is just that... The players playing against each other. It is the scene that contains the "RoA Scoreboard.html" Lastly, you cant see my End Scene because, as i mentioned prior, the End Scene is more of a "We'll be right back" kind of screen. It gets cut off the vods because it isn't needed. It is more for you, as a streamer, to be able to automatically cut to a different scene when the set ends. image image image image image image