OBS Control - Ateozc/RoA-Stream-Tool GitHub Wiki

OBS Control gives you the ability to Start/Stop recording from the Stream Tool. If used with the Screen Rocker plugin, you can also have this control OBS automatically based upon what data it gets.

But it does come with a slight drawback: you will have to open one of the files and update a specific line of information.

How it Works

This plugin gives the Stream Tool the ability to connect to your OBS application via a websocket. This is probably the best way to control OBS from another tool. This is also the method used by other applications such as Stream Deck.

When used, this gives you the ability to control parts of OBS. The OBS Control is fairly basic at this point in time and only lets you start/stop recording.

It has more functionality that is used by the automation for Screen Rocker. If you would like that, please navigate to that plugins documentation on setup and how to use it.


So, lets get into it.

Once you have followed the install instuctions on the main page, we can begin.

  1. Open OBS
  2. Using the top navigation bar, navigate to Help > About.
  3. Ensure your version is on 29 or higher.
  4. Using the top navigation bar, navigate to Tools > Websocket Server Settings
  5. You should see a screen like this: image
  6. On this screen, make sure you have "Enable WebSocket server" enabled.
  7. Server Port can be 4455. If you change it, just note you will have to change it on the script file later.
  8. Ensure "Enable Authentication" is enabled.
  9. Generate a password.
  10. Click "Show Connect Info" (Do not show anyone this information).
  11. Copy the "Server Password" by clicking the "Copy" button.
  12. Open the folder you Stream Tool is located in.
  13. In the Stream Tool folder navigate to Stream Tool > Resources > Texts.
  14. Open the file OBSConnection.json (I recommend using Notepad++ or VisualCode to open the file).
  15. Edit the line that says "Port":4455 Change that port to whatever you selected.
  16. Replace "YourPassHere" on the line that says "password": "YourPassHere"

Your file should now look like this as an example: { "port":4455, "password":"i9X2QknoYQAuP6Cv" }

  1. If done correctly, save the file.
  2. Open up the Stream Tool.exe
  3. In the Settings GUI pullout, there should be a section called "OBS Control"
  4. Ensure OBS is open, then on the Stream Tool, click "Connect"
  5. If you set things up correctly, you should now be connected to OBS with the Stream Tool.