MultiGame Support via GameSelect - Ateozc/RoA-Stream-Tool GitHub Wiki

MultiGame Support originally existed in my Angular build of this tool. It has been since discontinued. However, I rebuilt a good chunk of that logic into this version of the stream tool. And it seems to work better this time around.

What can it do?

The MultiGame support adds quite a few features. Here is what it can do:

  • All games (including Rivals of Aether and Rivals Workshop) have been moved to a new folder called "Games". Located under "Resources"
  • Now adds the ability to select any game that has folders within the new Game Folder
  • There is a "Default" folder, which is used in the event a game is missing a webm file or Random player images.
  • The games are selectable via the Settings button on the Stream Tool.
  • When changing a game, it will adjust the settings accordingly for some games (such as Rivals of Aether having Lovers of Aether options and Workshop having Alt skins as an option).
  • You can use the abbreviations of games if the names get too long.
  • Examples are provided in the base zip. Only Guilty Gear Strive has a mostly complete example
  • Each character can now have their own webm file associated to specific skins via their info.json (see golden Shovel Knight skin, or Ragnir Maypul)
  • Vod Renaming supports this game selector and will place games in the folders like so: TournamentName/GAME/Vods&Thumbnails
  • Profiles have been slightly reworked to accomodate this. Old Player profiles may no longer work for their character data. To remedy this, you can still load the profiles using the Random option and save/apply the new profile settings. You can (alternatively) fix your profiles by adding "game":"Rivals of Aether" to the character array on the players json. (Example: See Ateozc.json)
  • You can now use presets for the Scoreboard to change its display based upon the game. You can see how these look by changing the game and clicking update. I have made a few presets for the games in the games folder.
  • You can hide the character portraits on the Scoreboard if you feel they are redundant. Works with any game.

Note: It helps to look at the Shovel Knight, Maypul, and Absa _Info.json for a better understanding of how the new structure works.

How to set up

  • Ensure you have a folder with the Game name you want in the "Games" folder. This will add the game to the dropdown.
  • To have characters, you will need to add the character folders to that game's folder. You can copy/paste to get a baseline. You will have to modify the positions of characters if you have a new character you are adding. Positions can be modified by changing the X, Y, and Scale in the _Info.json of each character.
  • To add skins for a character, simply add an image to the Skins folder within the Character folder. Then, add the name of the file to the _Info.json
  • To add a custom webm file (used as a background) for a character, add the webm file to the Character folder. The default background should be BG.webm. If you would like to have a special webm for a skin, add "webm":"NameOfWebmHere" to the skin on the _Info.json
  • To customize the Scoreboard layout/positioning, open the "RoA Scoreboard - MultiGame.css" file. You can see the examples there. In order for your game to register the layout changes, the abbreviation should match what you see in the Stream Tool. For example, to modify the Rivals of Aether position of the scoreboards, you can adjust the scoreboardRoAX variable. The RoA in that variable is the abbreviation for the game.

If you have done all the above, your characters should now work on the Stream Tool