Donation Keys - Atelier-Shiori/malupdaterosx-cocoa GitHub Wiki

While MAL Updater OS X is free and open source software, hosting the Atarashii-API and maintaining the Apple Developer Program costs money. Certain features, mostly related with non-legal streaming like Bittorrent Browser, Video File scanning and mass file renaming tools will only be available to registered users. However, it's optional if you do not care about these features. You may use the program as long you want for free, but a reminder will appear every two weeks on launch.

Note that the donation key requires online activation to work and MAL Updater OS X will check the validity of the key when it's on the internet at launch. The donation key is encrypted and when it's checked, it will be decrypted and checked against a database.

You can obtain a donation key by donating a minimum of 5 dollars via PayPal, buying a license from FastSpring, or supporting us on Patreon. These are lifetime licenses and will work on future updates. You may use the key on many Macs you want, but you may not share it. If you are caught sharing it, the key will be revoked.

To add a license, go to the MAL Updater OS X menu and click Enter License Key.

If you lost your key, you can retrieve it here.

If you are developing a fork, please set up your own Atarashii-API server. The default API server is only for official copies of MAL Updater OS X.