User Stories - AtNote/AtNote GitHub Wiki


A super cool note taking app that will blow your mind.

User Stories

As a ____, I want ____ so that ____.


  • As a User, I want to be able to quickly takes notes and save them somewhere.
  • As a User, I want to be able to keep all my notes in one place.
  • As a User, I want to be able to keep my notes organized.
  • As a User, I want to be able to manage my notes the way that I want to.
  • As a User, I want to have the convenience of accessing my notes while I’m writing code and not having to switch through different applications.


  • As a Student, I want to have the ease of searching through notes I have taken.
  • As a Student, I want to be able to take notes during a lecture while at the same time working on demo code.
  • As a Student, I want to be able to keep my notes saved quickly so I can move to swiftly while in lecture.


  • As a Developer, I want to create a server that will save notes taken and send them to other applications to be easier viewed.
  • As a Developer, I want to be able to access my notes that I save to the server, on the go or enter a command to view them on a web page.
  • As a Developer, I want to be able to have assess to CRUD commands to manage my notes.