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We the people rule

National Referendum Project, seeking a mandate or mandates on national issues by independently gathered and processed vote and record once a majority or more than 1/2 of the total vote count in the last presidential election is reached in favor of any resolution that it put forth before the people of the United States of America.

Mission of: We The People Rule

With all due respect to the founding fathers of the United States, they held slaves and practiced genocide against the Native Peoples. The majority of the history of our so called nation has been subservient to an international private central banking cartel that has owned a private monopoly of our monetary system for the first 20 years, then off and on until 1913 and since then steadily been the true government behind the curtain. They are not happy with banking alone and corrupt all industry, dealing in weapons and funding both sides of every war.

It is our duty to self, nation and planet to overthrow this rule despotic sociopaths. Even if the constitution is ignored and broken it does state that the representatives, not private bankers are to control our nations monetary system.

We are developing an system where all eligible voters in the US will be able to sign on to several necessary long overdue people's referendums:

  1. Demand a Constitutional Convention.

  2. Demand that federal moneys be printed constitutionally from the treasury and that since the federal Reserve was operating unconstitutionally for the last hundred years that the national debt to the private banking system in null and void.

  3. Demand an end to secrecy except in immediate cases of war that has been ratified by an act of congress, and only then until the mission is completed.

The necessary votes will be based on the votes in the last presidential election. In other words about over 1/2 of almost 127 million voters or over 63.5 million voters will have to vote for the referendums we will hold independent of the government.

Plan of action: once we acquire the necessary votes we will set dates which we expect the current unconstitutional de facto government to meet our demands and help us organized the updated constitutionally based government or step aside. Not doing so will result in restraining those who refuse to submit to the authority of the majority. Beyond a certain date to be set criminal sanctions and arrest of those who refuse to follow majority democratic rule. Any who venture beyond this point will then face capture dead or alive, if death is easier for those working for the majority at this time by death their removal from power shall be. Through the whole process mercy and reasonable awards and rewards will be offered to those who voluntarily stand down and submit to majority direct popular democratic rule.

Peoples Monetary System

Basis of a new people's citizen owned monetary system.

Reward work rather than greed and treachery. Universal Health Care. Minimum living allowance for all. Gold, National parks resources owned by the nation as a whole.

Private public division where private entities must accept public national monies to do business. A two master system as a transitional period and maybe long term solution since a world monetary system exists and replacing it over night would be too chaotic.

Registration as a Signatory

All persons who are eligible to vote in the US under current law are eligible to sign on to the referendums and to propose referendums and contents. We will accommodate and allow proof of eligibility to be as simple as possible while maintaining the highest verification standards as possible.


A driver's license or ID photo upload

Voter Registration Document upload

legal name and address entered and yet to be decided method of US postal service verification.

Method of updating information?

Demand a Constitutional Convention

There is no means of national referendum process written into the constitution. Petition clauses are powerless giving no authority to the majority. a court is traditionally a place to beg of those in authority.

Government secrecy has grown to a proportional to that of tyrannical dictatorial feudalistic despotic forms of government.

Referendum to dissolve the agreement between international private banks and the United States government called the Federal Reserve Act.

Money has no intrinsic value yet presently it's worth is twisted into being worth far more that all the workers labors and bounty of nature itself. I have announced world wide one person one vote on the internet (WWOPOV). That is ahead of it's time, for now. I just started a web site project I call I have a long way to go, maybe over a year to get the system up and running. I'll need a lot of help. Eventually it will host the first, independent of the government, national referendum. The first issue at hand is to demand a constitutional convention to add a people's majority referendum process to the Constitution and political system. The next order of business is to develop and install a democratic populous controlled monetary system. If, I mean if, the monetary system monopolizing class backs off peaceably, a quasi public private banking system where the government can print money independently of the international banking community. Government issued monies will maintain the needs of the people and provide the tranquility necessary for private business to take place. Private banking and private ownership is a privilege not for them to be granted by them selves to themselves controlling our government to their own benefit. I am dedicated to developing a computerized digital means of counting votes independent of the government, until that right is granted to us by our government to develop meaningful participatory people's governance of ourselves in a democratic manner. I'm keeping our web site up but I also may want to merge with with gethub, I'll try and see if they are really for what they propose to be. If they are I expect this will be a revolutionary process in the making. hasta la victoria, siempre. Ken Driessen, the wiscokidd