How to compile AtChem2 - AtChem/AtChem2 GitHub Wiki

AtChem2 is compiled using a build script, called build/ from version 1.2 and tools/ in previous versions. Depending on the version of AtChem2, the build script takes 3 or 4 positional arguments (i.e., the arguments must be provided in a precise order). The build script must be run from the Main Directory (e.g., $HOME/AtChem2/).

For more information, see the AtChem2 manual in the doc/ directory.

version 1.2.* has 3 positional arguments:

  1. path to the chemical mechanism file (.fac)
  2. path to the model configuration directory - default: model/configuration/
  3. path to the MCM data files directory - default: mcm/
./build/ ./model/mechanism.fac ./model/configuration/ ./mcm/

version 1.1.* has 4 positional arguments:

  1. path to the chemical mechanism file (.fac)
  2. path to the auto-generated Fortran files directory - default: src/gen/
  3. path to the model configuration directory - default: model/configuration/
  4. path to the MCM data files directory - default: mcm/
./tools/ ./model/mechanism.fac ./src/gen/ ./model/configuration/ ./mcm/

version 1.0 and earlier has 3 positional arguments:

  1. path to the chemical mechanism file (.fac)
  2. path to the Fortran source files directory - default: src/
  3. path to the model configuration directory - default: modelConfiguration/
./tools/ ./mechanism.fac ./src/ ./modelConfiguration/