Requirements AstroBookings CTO letter - AstroBookings/.github GitHub Wiki

Hello, my name is Bill Jobs and I am the Chief Technology Officer of Astro Bookings.

Here is a not exhaust list of requirements for our system.


All code must reside in managed repositories that we can access. We want to have a trace of the evolution of the code and the history of functional evolutionary changes.


All changes must be supported by tests: it is up to you whether these are to be unitary, integration, or e2e.


Code that passes the tests should be ready for automatic transition to production.


The system should allow being run on a concurrent process to scale as much as the level of operations need it.


Any employee access to the system should be verified with a corporate email and a strong password. Any traveler needs to be identified (by any open-auth provider) before booking or canceling their flights.


The system should generate proper logs to trace its behavior. It should perform a fast startup and shutdown process to increase our uptime percentage.

That is all for now. In case of doubt try to adhere to the twelve-factor app methodology, and ask me any other questions that are left behind.

Bill Jobs, Astro Bookings C.T.O.

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