Requirements AstroBookings COO letter - AstroBookings/.github GitHub Wiki

Hello, my name is Rachel Ripley and I am in charge of business operatives for Astro Bookings.

As you may know, we need your help to have a software system that brings support to our activities.

We work with several companies that conduct space travel on their passenger rockets.

Few small capacities per spacecraft make available seats scarce. So, when space operators schedule a new launch, we must notify our VIP customers immediately and ensure that the seats are sold in the order they are booked.

Some of these flights are roundtrips that land in the same spaceport where they were launched. Others are flights with a destination on an orbital or moon-based hotel. In such a case our travelers must book rooms until the next rocket takes them back to the earth.

Our affiliated suppliers want to be notified in real-time of every booking or cancellation made by travelers. And also wants a service where they can notify us of any news about launches or hotel issues.

Our staff in charge needs to be able to add, change or remove any information about suppliers, their rockets, and hotels.

How do we make money? We charge a small 1% fee of each transaction to our suppliers for their first 10 offers. After that, we only charge 0.5%.

Prices for clients are established and charged directly by the operators.

My colleagues from the marketing and technology departments will give you more requirements to be fulfilled by your solution.

Don’t hesitate to ask anything you want, best regards

Rachel Ripley

Astro Bookings C.O.O.

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