Requirements AstroBookings CEO letter - AstroBookings/.github GitHub Wiki

Hi, I’m Richard Mezzos, I’m writing to ask you to create the software platform to support our operations.

We need something reliable and future-proof that allows us to offer our users trips and stays out-of-this-world.

Our business is being an intermediary between very very big affiliated providers and very very rich travelers.

We hope that you will provide us with an evolutionary solution that can be used by our employees, and that travelers can discover and use to plan their trips. Of course we also want to notify our service providers of each reservation or cancellation.

Money is not a problem. Tech stack is up to you. But we want a full operating service by the end of 2022.

In the the following days you will receive specific requirements from our operations, marketing and technology departments.


Richard E. Mezzos

Astro Bookings C.E.O.

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