What is CLISC - Asbjoedt/CLISC GitHub Wiki

Command Line Interface Spreadsheet Count Convert & Compare (& Archive)

A Windows console application made in C#. It is a prototype project for digital archiving of spreadsheets.

🏳️‍🌈 General

  • Batch convert spreadsheets in a directory to .xlsx (Transitional conformance)
  • Include or exclude subdirectories recursively
  • Output results in a new directory with logs in CSV


Count number of spreadsheets in directory by file format.

  • Accepted file extensions: .gsheet, .fods, .numbers, .ods, .ots, .xla, .xlam, .xls, .xlsb, .xlsm, .xlsx, .xlt, .xltm, .xltx
  • .xlsx of Transitional and Strict conformance can be counted separately

🪄 Convert

Convert any spreadsheet to .xlsx (Transitional conformance).

  • Office Open XML (Excel) with extensions .xlsb, .xlsm, .xltm, .xltx and .xlsx with Strict conformance
  • Legacy Microsoft Excel with extensions .xls and .xlt
  • OpenDocument with extensions .fods, .ods and .ots

🔍 Compare

Compare original and converted spreadsheets to log differences.

  • Cell values

🗄️ Archive

The program can convert, package and describe spreadsheets to meet a data quality level, that will enable you to open your spreadsheets many years from now.

  • Convert any spreadsheet to both .xlsx (Strict conformance) and .ods
  • Package spreadsheets and metadata in a new archive directory
  • Output all conversions in subdirectories named n+1
  • Rename all conversions 1.xlsx and 1.ods
  • Include copies of the original spreadsheets, this include password protected or otherwise unreadable files
  • Validate spreadsheet against its file format standard (Office Open XML and OpenDocument)
  • Check if any cell values exists
  • Remove cell references to other spreadsheets but keep cell values
  • Remove data connections but keep cell values
  • Remove RealTimeData (RTD) functions but keep cell values
  • Remove printer settings
  • Remove external objects
  • Remove absolute path to local directory (not working)
  • Remove file property information but document in .txt sidecar file
  • Make first sheet active
  • Alert if embedded objects detected
  • Alert if hyperlinks detected
  • Calculate file checksums
  • Zip the archive directory

Overview of CLISC methods

Illustrated overview of CLISC methods