How to copy emojis between discord servers - ArtGangsta/public GitHub Wiki

To add an emoji to a server, you go to the Emoji sections in the Server settings, and upload an image file, usually png, gif or jpg. When you do this, you need to have the image file already on your device.

If you have a URL to the image, you can download it by entering the url in a Discord channel, wait for the image to show up, then download the image using the the standard method for your device.

  • On a laptop, you can right-click on the image and select "Save Image As" and give it a name.
  • ON mobile, you long-press on the image and then use arrow button to download the image to your device.

You can also add an emoji to a server without downloading the image from a URL, as long as the server has the "Emote Manager" bot installed ( ) using a command like this. Here's an example of adding an emoji called tiktok and a url to the image:

    Emote Manager add tiktok

Note that you first mention the bot name, followed by the word "add", then whatever you want to call the emoji, in this case "tiktok", followed by the url of the image.

If you have Nitro, and thus can access emojis from another server, another way to add an emoji is to simply specify the name. example:

    @Emote Manager add :tiktok:

In this case you simply specify the emoji directly.

How to get URL of an emoji that's on another server

If you're using desktop browser, it's easy to get the URL address. Simply go to that other server, (or if you have Nitro, on any server), go to a channel, enter the emoji so that it shows up on the screen. Then simply right-click on the image and select "Copy Image Address"

You can also do this on mobile if you use a mobile browser, but most likely you're using the app on mobile. The steps to obtain the URL of an emoji using the mobile are slightly more complex, but still not too bad.

First you need to get the ID of the emoji.

Go to a channel where you can access the emoji and type the characters colon followed by dash (minus). Should look like this: :- Doing this will let you select the emoji you want from the list. Let's say we select tiktok, so it will look like this: :-:tiktok: on the screen. As soon as you send the message, instead of seeing the emoji itself, you will see text that looks like this: :-<a:tiktok:738710702675591188>:. You only need the number part, but it might be easier just to copy the whole thing, and then delete everything but the number part later.

Now that you have the ID, what you want to do is type a URL that looks like this in a channel, replacing the number below with the ID. Example:

That's the ID of the image. If you type that, you should see the actual image of the emoji. You can use that URL with the other instructions above, such as with the "add" command with the bot, or download the image to your device to upload later from the server settings' Emoji section.

There are also a lot of videos on youtube that show you how to do this. At the time of this writing, there's a video that shows you some of these steps: