First Agilex5 Reference Design - ArrowElectronics/Agilex-5 GitHub Wiki


This reference design uses only FPGA fabric resources. A differential 25MHz clock drives a 25-bit counter. When bit 24 gets set, it triggers a 3-bit shift register to march a "0" in a loop, and the counter resets to 0. This 3-bit output, drives the 3 LED colors in RGB_LED0. Additionally, the FPGA_PB2 and FPGA_PB3 push-buttons are tied directly to the Green and Blue LEDs of RGB_LED1.


  • Review Getting Started
  • Host machine running Linux or Windows.
  • Internet connection to download the tools and clone the repositories from github. If you are behind a firewall you will need your system administrator to enable you to get to the git trees.
  • Quartus Prime Pro version 24.3

Set up the Environment

Open a shell (niosv command shell for Windows)

    $ mkdir axe5_eagle

Build the Reference Design

This can be built under Windows or Linux.

Clone the repository. Open a shell (niosv command shell for Windows)

    $ cd axe5_eagle
    $ git clone
    $ cd refdes-agilex5/axe5_eagle/first_agilex5_refdes

Open Quartus and load the Project located in the folder shown above

    $ File --> Open Project. Select axe5_eagle_top.qpf

Add pin assignments

    $ View --> Tcl Console
    $ In the Tcl Console window type 'source sources/axe5_eagle_pin_assignment.tcl' and press Enter

Compile the Quartus project

    $ Processing --> Start Compilation

The following file is created:

  • axe5_eagle/refdes-agilex5/axe5_eagle/first_agilex5_refdes/output_files/axe5_eagle_top.sof

Configure the Board for the Demo

The following components are required for the demo:

  • AXE5-Eagle (TEI0185) development board,
  • 12VDC 40W power supply
  • Arrow-USB-Blaster (TEI-0004-02) for downloading to the FPGA

Depending on the kit revision, additional components may need to be obtained. Please click on this link to review.

Assemble the Hardware

  • Plug the Arrow-USB-Blaster (TEI0004-02) into J34 with the USB connector facing to the right.

  • Connect the power supply to the AXE5-Eagle J29 barrel connector
  • Plug the AC-DC adapter into an AC outlet

Program the FPGA configuration file

The FPGA JTAG chain will expose 1 or 2 endpoints when Auto Detected from the programmer. Follow the appropriate instructions to program the Agilex 5 FPGA for either scenario.

Open the Quartus Programmer

    $ Tools --> Programmer

Detect the JTAG chain

    $ Processing --> Auto Detect

Option 1: One Device

Option 2: Two Devices

Select the A5EC065BB32AE4SR0 device in the topology diagram

Program the device

    $ Edit --> Change File. Select output_files/axe5_eagle_top.sof
    $ Click the 'Program/Configure' check box.
    $ Processing --> Start

This will take a few seconds to complete.

Run the demo

RGB_LED0 will begin cycling through Red --> Green --> Blue when the sof file has been downloaded. Press the FPGA_PB2 button to illuminate RGB_LED1 in green and the FPGA_PB3 button to illuminate RGB_LED1 in blue.