AXE5 Eagle GHRD creating the design - ArrowElectronics/Agilex-5 GitHub Wiki
In order to simplify the process, we provide 3 top-level files which are specific to the AXE5-Eagle board.
This section describes how to download these design files from the github repository and create the project from the ground up.
Files needed:
File | Description |
axe5_eagle_top.v | top-level Verilog file |
agx5e065_pin_assignment.tcl | Pin Assignment |
axe5_eagle_top.sdc | Timing Constraints |
On a Windows PC, create a folder where the hdl repository can be cloned from github.
In a browser, go to
Select the R23.2.1 branch
Click on the green <> Code button and select Download ZIP
unzip the file in the folder you created previously.
The 4 files listed in the table above are in <folder>/hdl-23.2.1/exe5_eagle/projects/axe5_ghrd/sources/
Next - Create Project Framework
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