Minutes for the 30 01 2024 laboratory session - Arquisoft/wiq_en2b GitHub Wiki


All members of the team were present for the session.

Review from the last week

There was no last week session, so no review was produced.

Issues discussed

We discussed our specialties, and what tools we could use for the project. We discussed on whether to use Node.js or Spring Boot for our backend and decided on starting replicating the users and authentication modules in Java Spring Boot so we can decide on the 2nd deriverable how to proceed further. Dario also commented on developing a frontend game on Godot 4.0.3. We chose the React framework for the frontend, which will communicate with the backend through REST calls. For the database, we chose not to use MongoDB and opted for a relational database, with PostgreSQL being our current option.

We also tried to discuss pair programming, but we have yet to discuss anything concrete.

Issues that remain open