Minutes for the 10 03 2024 meeting - Arquisoft/wiq_en2b GitHub Wiki

Participants 👨‍💻

Name UO
Gonzalo Alonso Fernández UO282104
Sergio Rodríguez García UO282598
Jorge Joaquín Gancedo Fernández UO282161
Darío Gutiérrez Mori UO282435
Sergio Quintana Fernández UO288090
Diego Villanueva Berros UO283615
Gonzalo Suárez Losada UO283928

Review from the last meeting 📅

Nothing from the previous meeting was discussed.

Issues discussed 🤖

We discussed everything that needed to be completed before the delivery on 12/03/2024. It was necessary to increase the number of unit tests throughout the application to achieve a minimum of 80% code coverage on SonarCloud. Additionally, several errors were identified and addressed during the meeting. Finally, we discussed the state the application code should be in for the deployment to take place.