Minutes for the 05 03 2024 laboratory session - Arquisoft/wiq_en2b GitHub Wiki

Participants 👨‍💻

Name UO
Gonzalo Alonso Fernández UO282104
Sergio Rodríguez García UO282598
Jorge Joaquín Gancedo Fernández UO282161
Darío Gutiérrez Mori UO282435
Sergio Quintana Fernández UO288090
Diego Villanueva Berros UO283615
Gonzalo Suárez Losada UO283928

Review from the last meeting 📅

Nothing from the previous meeting was discussed.

Issues discussed 🤖

The backend developers were explaining the management of questions and answers for the frontend. Various types of questions were considered to be implemented: years of historical events, ages of celebrities, and comparison questions. There was discussion about which parts of the documentation needed to be updated. Primarily, architectural decisions need to be added, wireframes need updating, and the glossary should be revised. Finally, it was decided to postpone the functionality of integrating HTTPS into the system.

Issues that remain open 👾