Third Meeting - Arquisoft/wiq_en1b GitHub Wiki
- Lucía Ruiz Núñez
- Mario Junquera Rojas
- Jorge Cano Martinez
- Laura Gómez Menéndez
- Ahmet Erdem Yabaci
- Daniel Sinne Argüelles
- Finishing the installation of the necesary software for editing the documentation
- At least the first five points must be completed (and the rest started) before Friday. After that, a revision between all the team members that can attend will take place
Review state from past meetings
- Discused the posibility of using a microservices architechture
Decisions taken
- Try to implement the architechture following a microservices architechture
- Finish up with the main points of the documentation
- Reopen the documentation issues for a better use of them, and the branch managment
- Creation of a branch to merge all of the documentation branches into, and deploy it from there
- Change the DBMS from the already present MongoDB to an SQL database