Import kmz or kml files - Archilegt/Myriatrix GitHub Wiki

Like any Scratchpad, Myriatrix supports the import of KML location data through MSO Excel files. This alternative tutorial was developed for OpenOffice users (or for MSO Excel users who would prefer converting their files online).

If your locations are in a KMZ/KML file you could export them to a .xlsx file through the following procedure:

  1. Convert your KMZ file or your KML file to .xlsx online.
  2. Download the resulting .xlsx file(s) and open it with OpenOffice Calc.
  3. Modify the column data format to match the Scratchpad template file columns described in the help page Import locations.
  4. Copy-paste the modified columns to the corresponding columns of the template file.
  5. Upload the template file as indicated in the help page Import.
  6. You will now get all the locations of your .kmz or .kml file to Myriatrix.