Idea dumping ground - Arcanorum/rogueworld GitHub Wiki

Miscellaneous ideas that may or may not end up in the game at some point


Subtle and initially hard to detect negative effects that may start to affect a player character, either randomly as they play, or as a result of being exposed to something in the environment.

They don't show up on the GUI at all and the player has no way of knowing if they have a disease, apart from observing the symptoms when they take effect. Requires deeper game knowledge to detect and diagnose, and then potentially remove through someone in the team picking a feat that specifically treats that disease. Requires a player to spend a feat point for the ability to remove a certain kind of disease from anyone in the team.

For example:

Bunions: Take X points of damage every Y tiles moved.

Cataracts: +_X_% chance for ranged attacks to miss.

Bubonic plague: -X% movement rate. Take Y points of damage every Z seconds. Chance to spread to adjacent allies if they are below U hitpoints.