Remote Config - ApplETS/Notre-Dame GitHub Wiki

Remote configs are used to provide customized changes to specific configurations of the app without requiring a new deployment.


Two configs are needed for making kommunicate work: chatbot_app_id and chatbot_bot_id. The two values need to be provided by STI school service.

Dashboard broadcast

To add a broadcast dashboard message, specify:

  • dashboard_message_type: One of the following types can be provided: info, warning, alert, link. The type allows the icon used to be changed.
  • dashboard_message_color: Any color provided as an hexadecimal value with ARGB value. Example, 0xff347fc4
  • dashboard_message_title_en: A title that will show at the top of the card (English version)
  • dashboard_message_en: The content of the card to show (English version)
  • dashboard_message_title_fr: A title that will show at the top of the card (French version)
  • dashboard_message_fr: The content of the card to show (French version)
  • dashboard_message_url: [Optional] When dashboard_message_type is link, the URL to redirect the user to upon clicking on the icon. Can be empty.

Privacy policy

To change the privacy policy URL, simply change it in the config privacy_policy_url .

If you want to toggle the fact that we can see the button in the More page, set the privacy_policy_toggle to either true or false.

Service is down

Service is down provides a way to enable a generalized message to any page of the app saying the app is down and it can't be used.

service_is_down: When set to true, will force all users to see a "Service is Down" page on any page of the app.


schedule_list_view_default: defines whether the list view is the default set view of the calendar.