Installation - ApplETS/Notre-Dame GitHub Wiki

This page will help you understand how to install your dev environment.


  • Flutter SDK v2.0.0 or higher
  • Openssl v1.1.1g or higher

Before running the code

  • To access some features you will need the SignetsAPI certificate, these files are encrypted. To decrypt them you will need to execute the script (only available on the Google Drive of the club), then run:
chmod +x ./scripts/

Run the code

  • After cloning the repo, you will have to get the packages and generate the l10n classes. To do that run the following command:
flutter pub get

Add environment variable for API_KEY

  • To add the Google Maps API token and the GitHub API token, you need to rename the file .env.template into .env. In the .env file, you need to paste the Google Maps API TOKEN and the GitHub API TOKEN.

To build the project in release you can refer to this page, Happy coding!