How to build and release the application manually - ApplETS/Notre-Dame GitHub Wiki

This page will explain how to build a new version of the application in release mode manually for Android and iOS.

Step 1: Preparations

First, make sure to have the latest version of the code and to have decoded the Signets certificate then run in a terminal:

$ export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=<Replace with a valid GitHub API token>
$ export MAPS_API_KEY=<Replace with a valid Google Maps API token>
$ flutter pub get

Step 2: Build

We will now need to build the application for the targeted OS.

For Android run the following:

$ flutter build apk --bundle-sksl-path scripts\flutter_01.sksl.json

You can also replace apk by appbundle if you prefer to build an appbundle.

Now you should have the application build and ready to install on a device! This last step is as simple as the previous. Before executing the command, make sure to connect your Android device to your computer with a USB cable then run:

$ flutter install

For iOS run the following:

$ flutter build ios --release --no-codesign --bundle-sksl-path scripts\flutter_01.sksl.json

:warning: The process to install on an iOS device will come shortly.