Build flavors - ApplETS/Notre-Dame GitHub Wiki

This page reference this issue: There is currently three build flavors that has been constructed for the app.

  • Production (prod)
  • Bêta (beta)
  • Development (dev)

Production (prod)

This build flavor, should be the one used to deploy in production the app. It's the standard flavor and it's the one that is downloaded from the store by default.

The App icon is the default one for ÉTSMobile.

Bêta (beta)

This build flavors will be used to host the beta application program from the app store and play store. Its main purpose is to specify to the user that they are using the beta build.

Also, the package id should be the same as the one for prod. This is to prevent user to have the two version at the same time. (ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile)

Development (dev)

This is the development flavor for ÉTSMobile. The purpose is to have a dedicated app for the dev team to prevent collisions over with the stable build in production.

The package id will be different from the main app to allow the two app to coexist. (

How it was made

This section presents how the build flavors feature and the beta version were deployed. This tutorial was mostly followed, but some adjustments were made to make sure it fitted with our need.

Creating the flavors - Android

⚠️ Incomplete section ⚠️

Creating the flavors - iOS

⚠️ Incomplete section ⚠️

App Icons

To generate the icons, The package flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.9.2 was used. Then, following this segment, three files were created against each flavor.

The command flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main was then run to generate every icon files in the right iOS and android directories.

Testflight (iOS)

Testflight has a limit of 100 users at the same time. This means that the beta will be closed source to App|ETS members only on iOS.

Open Test (Android)

⚠️ Incomplete section ⚠️

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️