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<PACKAGE/> : ViewableWidget

The <PACKAGE/> or <PKG/> element renders a widget from a dynamic <PACKAGE/>. To learn more about building dynamic content refer to the FLUTTER_EVAL package on [](


Name Type Default Description
plugin <pkg>.<class>(p1,p2, Where <pkg> is the id of the <PACKAGE/>, <class> is the class constructor and (p1,p2, ... pn) are the passed parameters


Package Created from .evc byte code.

<PKG id="pkg1" url="/plugins/my_plugin_package.evc" name="package:my_plugin_package/main.dart"/>	
  <!-- Custom Function Example -->
  <TEXT id="t1" value="=pkg1.MyFunctions.sayHello('Cruel World')"/>
  <BUTTON label="Click Me" onclick="t1.set(pkg1.MyFunctions.sayGoodbye('Cruel World'))"/>

  <!-- Custom Widget -->
  <TEXT id="text" value="This is what shows in the red box. get('text') is called from within the dynamic widget."/>    
  <WIDGET id="w1" plugin="pkg1.MyWidget({$id},{$get},{$set})"/>	

  <!-- Custom Form Field Control -->
  <TEXT id="t2" value="{f1.value}"/>
  <FIELD id="f1" plugin="pkg1.MyField({$id},{$get},{$set})" value="999"/>	
// @ the terminal prompt,
// run => dart_eval compile -o my_plugin_package.evc
library my_plugin_package;
export 'main.dart' show MyWidget, MyField, MyEvals;

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

// ex. <WIDGET id="w1" plugin="pkg1.MyWidget({$id},{$get},{$set})"/>
// where 'pkg1' is <PKG id="pkg1" url="/plugins/my_plugin_package.evc" name="package:my_plugin_package/main.dart"/>,
// {$id} is the id of the encapsulating <WIDGET/>, {$get} is the get function, and {$set} is the set function
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {

  final String id;
  final Function set;
  final Function get;

  const MyWidget(, this.get, this.set);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    var text = get("text") ?? "not found";
    return Container(color:, width: 200, height: 200, child: Text(text));

// ex. <FIELD id="f1" plugin="pkg1.MyField({$id},{$get},{$set})" value="999"/>
// where 'pkg1' is <PKG id="pkg1" url="/plugins/my_plugin_package.evc" name="package:my_plugin_package/main.dart"/>,
// {$id} is the id of the encapsulating <FIELD/>, {$get} is the get function, and {$set} is the set function
class MyField extends StatelessWidget {

  final String id;
  final Function set;
  final Function get;

  const MyField(, this.get, this.set);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    var value = get('$id.value') ?? "";
    var view = TextField(maxLength: 200, onChanged: onChanged, controller: TextEditingController(text: value));
    return view;

  void onChanged(String? value) => set('$id.value', value);

class MyFunctions  {

  // ex. <TEXT id="t1" value="=pkg1.MyFunctions.sayHello('Cruel World')"/>
  // where 'pkg1' is <PKG id="pkg1" url="/plugins/my_plugin_package.evc" name="package:my_plugin_package/main.dart"/>
  static String sayHello(String? message) {
    return 'Hello $message';

  // ex. <BUTTON label="Click Me" onclick="t1.set(pkg1.MyFunctions.sayGoodbye('Cruel World'))"/>
  // where 'pkg1' is <PKG id="pkg1" url="/plugins/my_plugin_package.evc" name="package:my_plugin_package/main.dart"/>
  static String sayGoodbye(String? message) {
    return 'Goodbye $message';

Compile the above code to .evc byte code from the command line using:

$dart_eval compile -o my_plugin_package.evc

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Inline dart

<PKG id="pkg1" name="package:example/main.dart">	
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';    

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
		  final String name;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
     return Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
	            child: Column(mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, 
	            children: [Container(color:,child: Text('The name is ' + name))],

<!-- Custom Widget -->
<BOX expand="false" border="all" bordercolor="green" padding="50" radius="5" margin="10" center="true">
  <WIDGET id="w1" plugin="pkg1.MyWidget('Name 1')"/>	
  <WIDGET id="w2" plugin="pkg1.MyWidget('Name 2')"/>	

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