MAP - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki
<MAP/> : <BOX/>
The <MAP/> widget is used to display a map. It is based off of 'leaflet.js'.
Name | Type | Default | Description | Req |
zoom | int | 16 | The initial zoom level of the map view: 1 - 20. | |
fit | bool | true | Automtaically adjusts the zoom level to fit <MARKER/>'s within the diplay. Fit is automatically set to true after manual zoom or pan. | |
height | int | max | The height of the map window. Default sized to fit available space. | |
width | int | max | The width of the map window. Default sized to fit available space. | |
latitude | int | null | The starting center point latitude of the map | |
longitude | int | null | The starting center point longitude of the map |
<MAP id="MAP-1" zoom="5" latitude="34.478900" longitude="-70.232740">
<LAYER url="{z}/{x}/{y}.png"/>
<LAYER url="{z}/{x}/{y}@2x.jpg90?access_token=<your mapbox api token here>"/>
<GPS id="gps" autoquery="15"/>
<GET id="boats" autoquery="15">
<GET id="planes" autoquery="30">
<MARKER data="planes" latitude="{data.latitude}" longitude="{data.longitude}">
<TOOLTIP label="({data.latitude},{data.longitude})">
<ICON icon="airplanemode_active" color="{data.color}" rotation="{data.heading}"/>
<MARKER data="boats" width="35" height="35" latitude="{data.latitude}" longitude="{data.longitude}">
<TOOLTIP label="({data.latitude},{data.longitude})">
<ICON icon="directions_boat_rounded" color="blue" rotation="{data.heading}"/>
<TEXT value="hello"/>
<MARKER data="gps" latitude="{data.latitude}" longitude="{data.longitude}">
<ICON icon="gps_fixed" color="yellow"/>
An XML example with the initial camera position set to the users GPS
location, and two data driven MARKER