MAP - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<MAP/> : <BOX/>

The <MAP/> widget is used to display a map. It is based off of 'leaflet.js'.


Name Type Default Description Req
zoom int 16 The initial zoom level of the map view: 1 - 20.
fit bool true Automtaically adjusts the zoom level to fit <MARKER/>'s within the diplay. Fit is automatically set to true after manual zoom or pan.
height int max The height of the map window. Default sized to fit available space.
width int max The width of the map window. Default sized to fit available space.
latitude int null The starting center point latitude of the map
longitude int null The starting center point longitude of the map


<MAP id="MAP-1" zoom="5" latitude="34.478900" longitude="-70.232740">	
        <LAYER url="{z}/{x}/{y}.png"/>
	<LAYER url="{z}/{x}/{y}@2x.jpg90?access_token=<your mapbox api token here>"/>

	<GPS id="gps" autoquery="15"/>	
	<GET id="boats" autoquery="15"> 
	<GET id="planes" autoquery="30">

	<MARKER data="planes" latitude="{data.latitude}" longitude="{data.longitude}">
		<TOOLTIP label="({data.latitude},{data.longitude})">
			<ICON icon="airplanemode_active" color="{data.color}" rotation="{data.heading}"/>
	<MARKER data="boats" width="35" height="35" latitude="{data.latitude}" longitude="{data.longitude}">
		<TOOLTIP label="({data.latitude},{data.longitude})">
			<ICON icon="directions_boat_rounded" color="blue" rotation="{data.heading}"/>
		<TEXT value="hello"/>
	<MARKER data="gps" latitude="{data.latitude}" longitude="{data.longitude}">
		<ICON icon="gps_fixed" color="yellow"/>
(fig. a)

An XML example with the initial camera position set to the users GPS location, and two data driven MARKER points.

Map Example

(img. a)

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