LINECHART - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki


The LINECHART framework element displays a graphical representation of a dataset.

The LINECHART outputs a graph displaying X and Y data points in a range of visual configurations.

Attributes :: VisibleWidget (inherited attributes)

Name Type Default Description Req
id string n/a id of the chart
type string n/a pie/cartesian, only required for pie charts
showlegend string bottom display legend (can be set false) top / bottom /left / right
horizontal bool false Swap the orientation of the axis (not for pie charts)
animated bool false animates the chart


The y axis (sometimes referred to as the measure axis, usually vertical) must be numeric

Requires both an XAXIS and a YAXIS child

Requires SERIES child(ren)


Series Attributes

Name Type Default Description Req
type string "bar" Sets the series type bar/line/pie
name string n/a The display name of the series in the legend
data string n/a Data for the series from a Datasource
x Map n/a Binding to 'x' values from the Datasource's data rows
y Map n/a Binding to 'y' values from the Datasource's data rows
label string y value pie/bar series labels can be an eval, bound to the data rows or set to label="" to show nothing
color Color preset Colors the series
stroke int varies Sets the size of the line on a line series
radius int varies Sets the size of the plot point on a line series
stack string none Identifier for which stack the series belongs to (stacked bar only)
group string none Identifier for which group the series belongs to (grouped bar only)
showline bool true Shows the line, can be set to false to make a plot series (line series only)
showpoints bool true Shows the points, can be set to false for a smooth line (line series only)
showarea bool false Graphically highlights the area below the line (line series only)


The SERIES outputs a dataset plotting its X and Y data points within a CHART element. It has multiple settings to configure how it graphs the visual data for both cartesian and pie charts. When using multiple series within a cartesian chart they will be placed as layers with the first SERIES being the bottom layer and the last SERIES being the top layer. Aside from some restrictions you can use multiple SERIES in the same CHART and the SERIES type can be mixed as well, for example you could have a line series over a bar series.


  • Choose a series type that best displays the type of information supplied as a whole for all the series, or combine two types that show alternate data that correlates to each other. Be aware of which series will work together.
  • Use a series type that fits the space of your graph and data, series with more data or labels should use less intrusive graphing styles to leave room for labels and small series should use larger styles to enhance readability of the data.
  • Ambiguity should be kept to a minimum through legends and labels
  • Be conscious your data is visible with the ordering of series layers and place label series types last so they overlay the series they are mapping.
  • Consider using a custom TOOLTIP for labels that are too big.
  • Name each series so it can be clearly displayed in the legend.


  • A pie chart type CHART can only have a single SERIES child
  • A bar chart type can only have multiple series if each series defines how to stack and/or group them together
  • The y value(s) must be a numeric data type
  • SERIES requires an assigned data attribute to reference and plot data
  • If the XAXIS is a type of time and there is multiple bar series, they cannot be stacked, only grouped.
  • If the XAXIS is a type of time and you have a bar series it is not possible to show labels.

Axis Attributes

Name Type Default Description Req
type string XAXIS: category / YAXIS: numeric numeric/category or *date/time/datetime (only for XAXIS)
format string n/a ISO 8601 (only for XAXIS when date/time/datetime)
labelrotation int 0 Rotate the tick labels
title string "" Give the axis a title
min datetime/num n/a Sets the minimum value the axis will show
max datetime/num n/a Sets the maximum value the axis will show
interval (datetime/num) n/a Suggests the interval between ticks
labelvisible bool true Show/hide the axis tick labels
labelsize int 12 fontsize of the axis tick labels
truncate bool false (*only Y Axis) Allows the axis to start at a number based on the chart data instead of 0 (zero)


The XAXIS/YAXIS are required children of CHART, it conveys the scope of the data within the chart to the user by giving visual control over how SERIES data is plotted in relation to the axes.


  • Use labelrotation on the XAXIS when you have longer labels, recommended value being between -90(vertical) and -30. See (examples).


YAXIS must be numeric type="numeric". XAXIS with a type of date / time / datetime must have datetime ISO 8601 formatted point data (ie: 2021-11-21T21:21:21) See examples.

Label Attributes

Name Type Default Description Req
color Color transparent color of the label range
anchor string center placement on the cross axis: start/end/center
position string auto placement on the main axis auto/inside/outside/margin
direction string auto label direction horizontal/vertical/auto
label string '' Center label text
labelcolor Color theme Color of the label text
labelsize int 12 Size of the label text
startlabel string '' Start label text
endlabel string '' End label text
x num/datetime n/a x axis point of a label
x1 num/datetime n/a x axis start range of a label
x2 num/datetime n/a x axis end range of a label
y num n/a y axis point of a label
y1 num n/a y axis start range of a label
y2 num n/a y axis end range of a label


LABELs are optional children of CHART, they draw a label on the chart, it serves the purpsoe of annotating a point or range from the chart axis. If you supply a range on an axis it will can highlight the range, it can also be used to add additional information about a chart AXIS.


  • Use LABELs to highlight an section of the chart or to add additional axis information, they can be derived from a databroker like axis ticks which can be useful for providing more information along an axis.


A label is axis bound and can only contain plot values for x or x1 + x2 or y or y1 + y2.

DataPoint Selection Binding

You can bind to the selected point data which updates each time a user selects a new data point by: {mychartid.selected.mydatafieldkeyfromadatasource}

You can also bind to point values with {mychartid.selected._id/_x/_y/_label} as long as the name doesn't collide with the datasource data keys.


Dataset, click to expand
<DATA id="DB1">
                <x>1</x> <x2>January</x2> <x3>2010-07-20 20:18:04Z</x3> <y>3</y> <y2>1</y2>	
                <x>2</x> <x2>February</x2> <x3>2011-07-20 20:18:04Z</x3> <y>5</y> <y2>3</y2>
                <x>3</x> <x2>March</x2> <x3>2012-07-20 20:18:04Z</x3> <y>4</y> <y2>2</y2>
                <x>4</x> <x2>April</x2> <x3>2013-07-20 20:18:04Z</x3> <y>8</y> <y2>6</y2>
                <x>5</x> <x2>May</x2> <x3>2014-07-20 20:18:04Z</x3> <y>7</y> <y2>9</y2>
                <x>6</x> <x2>June</x2> <x3>2015-07-20 20:18:04Z</x3> <y>7</y> <y2>5</y2>
                <x>7</x> <x2>July</x2> <x3>2016-07-20 20:18:04Z</x3> <y>10</y> <y2>8</y2>
                <x>8</x> <x2>August</x2> <x3>2017-07-20 20:18:04Z</x3> <y>11</y> <y2>13</y2>
                <x>9</x> <x2>September</x2> <x3>2018-07-20 20:18:04Z</x3> <y>10</y> <y2>8</y2>
                <x>10</x> <x2>October</x2> <x3>2019-07-20 20:18:04Z</x3> <y>9</y> <y2>7</y2>
                <x>11</x> <x2>November</x2> <x3>2020-07-20 20:18:04Z</x3> <y>11</y> <y2>9</y2>
                <x>12</x> <x2>December</x2> <x3>2021-07-20 20:18:04Z</x3> <y>14</y> <y2>12</y2>

All figures shown below are derived from this data for consistency.

Pie Series Examples

Pie Series

<CHART id="testchart" type="pie" showlegend="bottom">
	<XAXIS type="category" title="Month" />
	<YAXIS type="numeric" title="Amount" />
	<SERIES name="Pie Series 1" type="pie" data="DB1" x="{data.x2}" y="{data.y2}" label="${data.y2}" />

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Line Series Examples

Line Series

<CHART id="examplechart" showlegend="true">
	<XAXIS type="category" title="Month" />
	<YAXIS type="numeric" title="Amount" />
	<SERIES id="ls1" name="Line Series 1" type="line" data="DB1" x="{data.x2}" y="{data.y2}" color="cyan" stroke="2" showarea="true" showpoints="false" />
	<SERIES id="ls2" name="Line Series 2" type="line" data="DB1" x="{data.x2}" y="={data.y} - 1" color="orange" stroke="4.5" radius="5"/>
	<SERIES id="ls3" name="Line Series 3" type="line" data="DB1" x="{data.x2}" y="={data.y} - 1" color="={data.y} &lt; {data.y2} ? 'red' : 'white'" showline="false" radius="3.5"/>

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Bar Series Examples

Bar Series

Bar Series

	<CHART id="examplechart" showlegend="false">
		<XAXIS type="time" format="yyyy/MM/dd" title="Date"/>
		<YAXIS type="numeric" title="Amount" />
		<SERIES id="s1" name="Bar Series 1" group="1" type="bar" data="DB1" x="{data.x3}" y="{data.y}" color="lightblue" />

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Combination Bar Series

Combination Series

<CHART id="examplechart" showlegend="true">
	<XAXIS type="numeric" title="Month" />
	<YAXIS type="numeric" title="Amount" />
	<SERIES name="Bar Series 1" type="bar" data="DB1" x="={data.x} - 1" y="{data.y}" color="cyan" stroke="1" />
	<SERIES id="ls1" name="Line Series 1" type="line" data="DB1" x="={data.x} - 1" y="{data.y2}" color="red" stroke="2" showarea="true" showpoints="false" />

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Grouped Bar Series

Grouped Bar Series

<CHART id="examplechart" showlegend="false">
	<XAXIS type="time" format="yyyy/MM/dd" title="Date" labelrotation="-45" />
	<YAXIS type="numeric" title="Amount" />
	<SERIES id="s1" name="Bar Series 1" group="1" type="bar" data="DB1" x="{data.x3}" y="{data.y}" color="lightblue" />
	<SERIES id="s2" name="Bar Series 2" group="1" type="bar" data="DB1" x="{data.x3}" y="{data.y2}" color="blue" />

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Stacked Bar Series

Stacked Bar Series

<CHART id="examplechart" showlegend="true">
	<XAXIS type="category" format="yyyy/MM/dd" title="Date" labelrotation="-45" />
	<YAXIS type="numeric" title="Amount" />
	<SERIES id="s1" name="Bar Series 1" stack="1" type="bar" data="DB1" x="{data.x2}" y="{data.y}" color="lightblue" label="{data.y}" labeled="true" />
	<SERIES id="s2" name="Bar Series 2" stack="1" type="bar" data="DB1" x="{data.x2}" y="{data.y2}" color="blue" label="{data.y2}" labeled="true" />

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Grouped & Stacked Bar Series

Grouped Stacked Bar Series

<CHART id="examplechart" showlegend="true">
	<XAXIS type="category" title="Month" />
	<YAXIS type="numeric" title="Amount" />
	<SERIES stack="1" group="3" name="Bar Series 1" type="bar" data="DB1" x="{data.x}" y="{data.x}" color="blueaccent" stroke="1" />
	<SERIES stack="1" group="3" name="Bar Series 2" type="bar" data="DB1" x="{data.x}" y="{data.y}" color="blue" stroke="1" />
	<SERIES stack="1" group="3" name="Bar Series 3" type="bar" data="DB1" x="{data.x}" y="{data.y2}" color="lightblue" stroke="1" />
	<SERIES stack="2" group="4" name="Bar Series 4" type="bar" data="DB1" x="{data.x}" y="=({data.x} - 1) * 2" color="teal" stroke="1" />
	<SERIES stack="2" group="4" name="Bar Series 5" type="bar" data="DB1" x="{data.x}" y="={data.y} - {data.y2} + 2" color="green" stroke="1" />
	<SERIES stack="2" group="4" name="Bar Series 6" type="bar" data="DB1" x="{data.x}" y="{data.y2}" color="lightgreen" stroke="1" />

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