Flip Animation - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki


The <FLIP/> widget allows a user to animate a widget flipping such as a box, card, icon, and more. The FLIP Animation will set its parents first child and second child as each face of the animation. Visibility can be toggled using the flip widgets side="" attribute if the face or parent widget has transparency.

For starting and controlling the animation, see <ANIMATE/>. Fade ticks between the start and end attributes. The range for opacity is from 0-1, 1 being fully opaque 0 being fully invisible.


  • If multiple animations are desired to happen in sync or from the same animate() call, use <ANIMATE/> to chain multiple children together.


Name Type Default Description Req
direction string 'horizontal' The direction of the flip: 'horizontal' or 'vertical'
side string 'front' The face that is showing currently: 'front' or 'back'
from double 0 The starting value of the animation.
to double 1 The end value of the animation. 1 is equal to 180 degrees of rotation.
begin double 0 The start point between 0 and 1 of the controller ticking. Used to offset the animation from others.
end double 1 The end point between 0 and 1 of the controller ticking. Used to offset the animation from others.


     <BOX center="true" expand="false" color="blue" elevation="0.1" id="flipcard" layout="stack" opacity="0.8" pad="10" radius="3">
          <FLIP duration="600" id="cardflip" />
          <BOX color="green" center="true">
               <TEXT size="12" value="There is a description here" />
          <BOX color="green" center="true">
               <ICON color="black" icon="save" />
               <TEXT size="12" value="Title here" />
     <POS right="8" top="8">
          <LINK onclick="flipcard.animate()">
               <ICON color="#47C4FB" icon="info_outline" size="20" />

logo See it in Action


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