Datepicker - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<DATEPICKER/> : FormField

The <DATEPICKER/> widget is a specialized type of Form Field that opens a calendar style datepicker, and displays the date in an input field. <DATEPICKER/> uses the date format class notation from Flutter.

The <DATEPICKER/> default date format is 'yMd' and can be changed using the format property. The format is independent of the type, a type of datetime will still output as format if it is set. The input and output format's will always be the same. If required to be different, using evaluation functions such as todate() or other methods of data manipulation as required.


Name Type Default Description Req
type string date The type of datepicker to be displayed. Valid entries are date, datetime, time, and range.
cmode or mode string calendar The mode of datepicker's calendar dialog. Valid entries are calendar, calendaronly, input, inputonly and year.
tmode string input The mode of datepicker's time dialog. Valid entries are dial, dialonly, input, and inputonly
value string The initial or selected date or time. When type="range", the value property holds the initial or selected lower date range.
format string 'yMd' 'HH:mm' 'y/M/d HH:mm' The input and output date format. Valid formats are defined here.
oldest string The oldest allowable date. Must be as defined in the format property
newest string The newest allowable date. Must be as defined in the format property
clear bool false If a default clear value button is displayed


border string all Border type. Can be all, underline or none
bordercolor The color of the dialog's border
borderwidth int 1 The width of the dialog's border
radius int 5 The radius of the border.
textcolor The color of the display text
showicon boolean true Show/Hide the prefix calendar icon


Name Description
open() Opens the date picker dialog.


Example #1: a simple date and time picker


<DATEPICKER id="dt1" type="datetime" margin="0" />    
<TEXT value="=toDate({dt1}, 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm', 'MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm')" visible="=!noe({dt1})" margin="5,0,0,0"/>
<TEXT value="=toDate({dt1}, 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm', 'EEEE MMMM d, yyyy - h:mm a')"  visible="=!noe({dt1})" margin="5,0,0,0"/>

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Example #2: a date picker
<DATEPICKER id="dt2" type="date" margin="0" />    
<TEXT value="=toDate({dt2}, 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'MM-dd-yyyy')"         visible="=!noe({dt2})" margin="5,0,0,0"/>
<TEXT value="=toDate({dt2}, 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'EEEE MMMM d, yyyy')"  visible="=!noe({dt2})" margin="5,0,0,0"/>

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Example #3: a time picker


<DATEPICKER id="dt3" type="time" margin="0" />    
<TEXT value="Time: {dt3}" visible="=!noe({dt3})" margin="5,0,0,0"/>

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Example #4: a date range picker


<DATEPICKER id="dt4" type="range" margin="0" />    
<TEXT value="Range: {dt4.value} to {dt4.value2}" visible="=!noe({dt4})" margin="5,0,0,0"/>

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Example #5: a date picker in "year" mode


<DATEPICKER id="dt5" type="date" mode="year" margin="0"/>    
<TEXT value="{dt5.value}" visible="=!noe({dt5})" margin="5,0,0,0"/>

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Example #6: a time picker in "dial" mode


<DATEPICKER id="dt5" type="time" tmode="dial" margin="0"/>    
<TEXT value="{dt5.value}" visible="=!noe({dt5})" margin="5,0,0,0"/>

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