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In order to build you need to follow Google's Firebase integrations ios-setup steps 2 & 3:

The GoogleService-Info.plist goes here: ios/Runner/GoogleService-Info.plist

If you don't wish to use firebase you can remove all the firebase* packages from pubspec.yaml + any code utilizing them and avoid this step altogether


How to download, compile, build and run the FML application on Linux.

This was done on Windows 11 running Ubuntu 20.04 through wsl2 with Flutter 3.10.5-stable.

  1. create a directory to download flutter or cd to one mkdir -p $HOME/Downloads && cd "$_"

  2. to download the Flutter SDK go to and copy the link to the version you want then download with wget, example: wget

  3. create a directory for applications or cd to one cd mkdir -p $HOME/Applications && cd "$_"

  4. extract the files from downloads to your applications folder tar xfv $HOME/Downloads/$(ls -d $HOME/Downloads/flutter*.tar.xz | xargs basename)

  5. add the sdk path and update it


echo -e "\n# Flutter\nexport PATH=\$HOME/Applications/flutter/bin:\$PATH" >> $HOME/.bashrc

source $HOME/.bashrc

  1. ensure the flutter path works flutter --version

  2. determine what packages are needed for the linux toolchain flutter doctor

  3. we had to install the following apt install clang apt install cmake apt install ninja-build apt install pkg-config apt install libgtk-3-dev

  4. go to the applications folder cd Applications/

  5. download the project from git (this is the main branch, use any release you prefer) wget

  6. install unzip, unzip the file and remove the .zip sudo apt-get install unzip unzip rm

  7. open the flutter application folder cd Flutter-Markup-Language-main/ (\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu-20.04\root\Applications\Flutter-Markup-Language-main)

  8. build the application flutter build linux

  9. go to our release build cd build/linux/x64/release/bundle/

  10. finally, run the program: ./fml