BUSY - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<BUSY/> : ViewableWidget

The <BUSY/> widget expands to fill an area with a transparent box and a loading spinner. <BUSY/> is a purely a visual widget designed to notify a user that an action is in progress. <BUSY/> can have children. The default child layout is <STACK/>

BUSY will expand to fill its parent.


Name Type Default Description Req
size int 32 The size of the busy spinner.
color color The color of the busy spinner.
modal bool false Creates a modal barrier to prevent users from clicking through the busy spinner.


Example #1 : <BUSY/> visibility based on a <GET/> datasource success or fail.
<FML title="BUSY (example1)" linkable="true">
  <GET id="get1" autoexecute="false" url="testurl.com" onsuccess="b1.visible.set(false);" onfail="b1.visible.set(false);toast('Data Load Failed');"/>
  <BOX center="true" layout="stack">
    <BUTTON label="click to load data" onclick="b1.visible.set(true);wait('2s');get1.start();"/>
    <BUSY id="b1" visible="false" modal="true"/>

Busy Example

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Example #2 : <BUSY/> visibility based on a <GET/> datasource's busy attribute showing the datasource's status.
<FML title="BUSY (example2)" center="true">
  <GET id="get1" autoexecute="false" url="testurl.com"/>  
  <BUTTON label="{get1.status}" onclick="b1.visible.set(true);wait('2s');get1.start();" type="outlined"/>
  <BUSY id="b1" visible="{get1.busy}"/>

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