BOX - AppDaddy-Software-Solutions-Inc/framework-markup-language GitHub Wiki

<BOX/> : ViewableWidget

In addition to being the base class for several other widgets, like <ROW/> and <COLUMN/>, the <BOX/> widget can be used independentaly to lay out it children.

By default, <BOX/> lays out its children vertically, aligned top-left, and expands in both the vertical and horizontal axis to fill its parent.

By default, the <BOX/> widget expands in both the vertical and horizontal directions to fill its parent container. If expand is set to "false" the widget will shrink to fit it largest child.


Name Type Default Description Req
layout string column Default layout of box children.
  • row
  • column
  • col
  • stack
  • vertical
  • horizontal
  • expand bool true If the widget expands to fill its parent, or shrinks to fit its children. By default, <BOX/> expands both horizontally and vertically to fill the available space.

    If either of the available vertical or horizontal space is infinite, typically when wrapped in a <SCROLLER/>, the <BOX/> will shrink rather than expand in that axis.
    wrap bool false If wrap="true", children are allowed to wrap (take additional lines) when the primary axis is smaller than that required


    color color transparent The primary color of the box background. Can be specified as a comma separated list (color, color2, color3 and color4) for gradients.
    color2 color The 2nd color of the gradient
    color3 color The 3rd color of the gradient
    color4 color The 4th color of the gradient
    gradientstart string top Start position of the gradient.
  • top
  • topleft
  • topright
  • bottom
  • bottomleft
  • bottomright
  • left
  • right
  • gradientend string bottom End position of the gradient.
  • top
  • topleft
  • topright
  • bottom
  • bottomleft
  • bottomright
  • left
  • right
  • Borders

    border string none Specifies borders on the box. Values include "none", "all", "top", "bottom", "left", "right" "vertical", and "horizontal". If any of the border attributes are specified and border is undefined, it is automaticcaly defaulted to all
    bordercolor string The color of the box border, takes hex, RGB, and color names. Can be a single value or a comma seperated list
    borderwidth double 1 The width of the widgets borders
    borderradius double The radius of the border corners, set to greater of width/height to create a full circle. Can be a single value or a comma seperated list of up to 4 values (Top Right, Bottom Right, Bottom Left, Top Left)
    borderlabel string Simple inline border label
    borderlabelcolor color The border label color
    borderlabelfont font The border label font (case sensitive)
    borderlabelsize double The border label font size


    elevation string Default layout inside the box. Valid options include row, column and stack
    shadowcolor string The color of the widgets shadow, takes hex, RGB, and color name
    shadowx string The shadow x offset
    shadowy string The shadow y offset
    blur double Blurs the contents of the box. Typical blur value is 5.0 but can be smaller or larger.


    datasource string The id of a valid data source. Used for dynamic <BOX/> creation.

    For each row in the data source, a <BOX/> is created using this box as a prototype. Each <BOX/> created has a unique scope.


    Example #1 : a simple box
    <FML center="true">
      <BOX color="red" margin="50" bordercolor="yellow" radius="10"/>

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    Example #2 : a simple box with elevation and percent sizing
    <FML align="center">
      <BOX color="lightblueaccent" width="50%" height="50%" center="true" radius="10" elevated="1">
        <TEXT bold="true" style="h3" color="blue" value="&lt;BOX /&gt;"/>

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    Example #3 : a dynamically sized box with wrapping children
        <!-- Try resizing the display by dragging the splitter handle left/right or by resizing your browser -->
    	<ROW layout="row" wrap="true"  width="100%" maxwidth="900" color="transparent">
    		<BOX width="145" height="48" bordercolor="amber" center="true" layout="row" padding="10" margin="2">
    			<TEXT>Hey Hi Hello 1</TEXT>
    			<ICON value="waving_hand" color="orange"/>
    		<BOX width="145" height="48" bordercolor="amber" center="true" layout="row" padding="10" margin="2">
    			<TEXT>Hey Hi Hello 2</TEXT>
    			<ICON value="waving_hand" color="orange"/>
    		<BOX width="145" height="48" bordercolor="amber" center="true" layout="row" padding="10" margin="2">
    			<TEXT>Hey Hi Hello 3</TEXT>
    			<ICON value="waving_hand" color="orange"/>
    		<BOX width="145" height="48" bordercolor="amber" center="true" layout="row" padding="10" margin="2">
    			<TEXT>Hey Hi Hello 4</TEXT>
    			<ICON value="waving_hand" color="orange"/>
    		<BOX width="145" height="48" bordercolor="amber" center="true" layout="row" padding="10" margin="2">
    			<TEXT>Hey Hi Hello 5</TEXT>
    			<ICON value="waving_hand" color="orange"/>
    		<BOX width="145" height="48" bordercolor="amber" center="true" layout="row" padding="10" margin="2">
    			<TEXT>Hey Hi Hello 6</TEXT>
    			<ICON value="waving_hand" color="orange"/>
    		<BOX width="145" height="48" bordercolor="amber" center="true" layout="row" padding="10" margin="2">
    			<TEXT>Hey Hi Hello 7</TEXT>
    			<ICON value="waving_hand" color="orange"/>
    		<BOX width="145" height="48" bordercolor="amber" center="true" layout="row" padding="10" margin="2">
    			<TEXT>Hey Hi Hello 8</TEXT>
    			<ICON value="waving_hand" color="orange"/>

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    Example #4 : box with prototype

    BOX content can be dynamically created using a prototype. BOX's (rows, columns, stacks) can define a single child (in this example <COLUMN/> has a single <BOX/> child) and a data tag pointing to the datasource (data="db1"). For each row in the datasource db1, a corresponding <BOX/> and all of its child widgets will be created. Data can be bound using the {data.<fieldname>} syntax.

    <FML title="BOX (example4)" linkable="true" layout="stack" center="true">
      <TESTDATA id="db1" rows="25" delay="1"/>
      <!-- Column with Prototype  Widget - Driven by Data -->
      <SCROLLER expand="false">
        <COLUMN data="db1" expand="false" width="145">
          <BOX width="145" height="100" bordercolor="amber" layout="column" padding="10" margin="10" borderlabel="{data.first} {data.last}">
            <TEXT>First: {data.first}</TEXT>
            <TEXT>Last: {data.last}</TEXT>
            <ICON value="waving_hand" color="orange"/>
      <BUSY visible="{db1.busy}"/>

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    Example #5 : box with blur
    <FML title="BOX (example1)" linkable="true" center="true" keywords="blur box border">
      <BOX color="#FFCC3E" margin="50" bordercolor="#FC2D25" radius="0" borderwidth="25" center="true" blur="10">
          <IMAGE url="" width="200"/>  

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