Debug NSprites data - Antoshidza/NSprites GitHub Wiki

You can inspect Properties and Renders you register and create during working with NSprites by looking at NSpites Window (Window -> Entities -> NSprites). This window shows:

  • Every world which have NSprites rendering system. So during edit time it should be Editor World and during runtime it should be you named world (Default World by default).
  • All registered properties inside each world. Properties shows component type it binded to, type format and shader property ID. Unfortunately there is no way to retrieve shader's property name by it's id, so for now we can't see what shader property was used except it's id.
  • All created renders inside each world. Render shows it's id and used / allocated elements for each used buffer.
  • Material + Property table related to each opened render. Property table shows component type, shader property id and update mode. image