Eater - Another-Soul/NoxOS GitHub Wiki

Eaters are the first type of enemy added to NoxOS. If there are any yellow or blue segments on the screen, Eaters will target a random one and move to it. The Eaters' speed directly depends on the level the player is in, the formula is 240 + 19x, up to a maximum of 525 px/s on Level 16, thus making them faster than any segments by more than 50%.


If the maximum amount of 3 Eaters isn't reached, the game can spawn an Eater with a 6% chance every second. Upon spawning, an Eater appears at any random location on the screen and gets a random capacity (maximum amount of segments it can eat before collapsing) between 1 and 3.


Eaters will try to "hunt down" any blue and yellow segments by moving to them in a straight line. Because Eaters are faster than the segments, they can catch up most of the time (unless a segment flew off the screen or was caught by the player). When an Eater collides with any segment, its capacity gets decreased by 1 (if it's 2 or more) or the Eater collapses (if it's 1).


An Eater, upon having its capacity ran out, will instantly collapse. When it collapses, 5 red segments fly out of it in random directions. The segments originated from a collapse move at a constant speed of 480 px/s.


  • It's possible for an Eater to catch a red segment and it will act as if it caught a blue or yellow segment.


Version Description
v0.3-alpha2 Eaters are added.
v0.3-alpha3 Eaters are given a cap of 3.
v0.3-beta1 Eaters' speed are affected by the gamemode.