glowfly - AnimalMaceStudios/Mushroom-Update-Wiki GitHub Wiki


Health Points 1 ()
Behavior Passive
Classification Animal
Hitbox size Height: 0.1 Blocks
Width: 0.15 Blocks
Usable items Glass Bottle

A glowfly is a flying ambient passive mob exclusive to the glowing shroom caves.


Glowflies can spawn in groups of 1 to 10 in the glowing shroom caves Biome as part of the ambient spawn group.


Glowflies do not drop any items or experience upon death.


Glowflies are very small, almost a tenth of a block tall and wide.
They are spawning glow particles behind them while flying around.

They often fly around aimlessly but will directly fly to the most hurt mob within a 10 block radius that has less than its full health.
As soon as their target entity is within a 1.5 block radius they'll generate a cloud of glow particles and regenerate 1.5 health points.
In the same moment they'll lose their ability to glow and heal until recharged.

All glowflies get recharged every night.

Glowflies' collision boxes do not interact with the player or redstone components.


Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Is It the Wild Update? Look at a Glowfly through a Spyglass Adventure / mushroom:adventure/spyglass_at_glowfly
Watch Out! Catch a Glowfly with a Glass Bottle Is It the Wild Update? / mushroom:glowfly_in_a_glass/
Hopes and Dreams Use Glowflies to heal 20 HP Watch Out! Get healed by a glowfly with the result of the glowfly_health_gained statistic is equal to or greater than 20. mushroom:adventure/glowfly_regenerate_full
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