glow shroom caves - AnimalMaceStudios/Mushroom-Update-Wiki GitHub Wiki

Glow Shroom Cave

Glow Shroom Cave
Type Underground
Rarity Uncommon
Temperature 0.5
Structures Dripstone Cluster
Amethyst Geodes
Blocks Dripstone Block
Pointed Dripstone
Hanging Roots
Tall Grass
Glow Mushroom Block
Glow Mushroom
Grass color #8EB971‌
Foliage color #71A74D‌
Water color #18C9D2

A glow shroom cave is a Overworld cave biome that has a unique mobs, fauna and flora and is found underground.


Glow shroom caves generate underground below y=-5. They are about twice as rare as a lush cave or dripstone cave.

When fishing in the biome, there is a chance to find the Twilight - Marb7e music disc.

Underground, mycelium with clay, glow shroom, grass patches cover the floors. Ceilings and walls contain ores. A glow shroom cave contains springs and shallow lakes with clay. They mostly appear like regular caves, except with patches of dripstone blocks and pointed dripstone. Large dripstone clusters structures generate occasionally inside ravines.

Players cannot spawn in a glow shroom caves biome during the world generation.

Glowflies, glow mooshrooms and glow squid are the only passive mobs that spawn. Hostile mobs cannot spawn in these caves. There is no mob spawners or random spawning mobs. This cave is a safe place for players to restore hp with the help of glowflies.

Mob Spawn weight Group size
Water creature
Glow Squid 10 4-6
Underground water creature category
Glow Squid 10 4-6
Creature category
Glow Mooshroom 100 1-2
Ambient category
Glowfly 100 1-10



Music and sound effects use a similar system as the one used in the Nether.

These music tracks play while the player is in the Soul Sand Valley.

mushroom:glow_shroom_caves_ambient is a looping cave ambient noise sound.

mushroom:glow_shroom_caves_ambient_additions are additions to the loop. These are the effects that sound twinkly.

mushroom:glow_shroom_caves_mood are a set of slightly scarier sounds that play when the player is in a dark area within the biome. The sounds sound more electrical and slime-ish.

mushroom:glow_shroom_caves_music went unused. The music made for the biome has instead be used to make a music disc.

Name Identifier Translation key
Glow Shroom Caves glow_shroom_caves mushroom:glow_shroom_caves
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