Playtime Rewards - Angeschossen/Lands GitHub Wiki
You need to enable time-reward option in config to use this feature. Time rewards are permission based. If you ever want to reset a player's progress, you can do so by editing their permissions in your permission plugin. The permissions can be found here.
How does it work?
Players can get a reward, for example ONE chunk, every x seconds.
enabled_17: false
# Time settings
# After how many seconds
# should the players
# get rewarded with plus 1
# chunk, land, own land
# or member.
# NOTE: Timeunit is seconds
# /Lands claim
chunks: 3060
# Lands the player can be part of.
lands: 43200
# Max land members (How many players can the land have?)
members: 21600
# Lands the player can create.
# /Lands create
lands-own: 86400
Maximum Restrictions
Set the maximum amount of chunks etc. a player can get through playtime rewards.