Player Personal Settings - Angeschossen/Lands GitHub Wiki

You can configure these flags inside your config.yml file. Options: default_2_list, display_2_list

These flags are applied to new players. Existing players can toggle these flags in their personal settings GUI menu, by executing /lands menu main and then navigating to the personal settings menu. They only control bahaviour related to this single player, such as receiving invites.

Available Personal Settings

    Allow other lands to invite the player to their land?

    Show enter and leave messages when the player enters or leaves a land?

    Show inbox messages, from lands the player is part of, in chat?


Here can add new flags.

# Players can toggle personal flags to customize their experience.
    # Configure a default list of flags that is enabled.
    # This only applies to new players, or those who haven't toggeled any flags yet.
      - 'receive_invites'
      - 'enter_messages'
      - 'show_inbox'

    # Configure which flags should be displayed in the menu.
    # ALL = all flags are displayed.
      - 'all'

Other Flag Types