PlaceholderAPI Placeholders - Angeschossen/Lands GitHub Wiki

Display Placeholders for the Player's current Location

You can even display a placeholder for a player's current location, by just appending _here to it.

Limit the Length of a Placeholder

Append _length(<number>) to the placeholder and replace <number> with a number of your choice.


Description: List of lands the player owns or is trusted in. Example: land1, land2

Description: Amount of lands the player owns and is trusted in.

Description: List of lands the player owns. Example: ownland1, ownland2

Description: Amount of lands the player owns.

Description: List of lands the player is trusted in, but doesn't own. Example: trustedland1, trustedland2

Description: Amount of lands the player is trusted in. This doesn't include owned lands.

Description: Next tax payment round

Description: Time until next upkeep payment.

Description: Combination of land and nation name. You can edit the
format in your language file.

Description: Get the color of the nation, the player is in. If the land
isn't part of any nation, the land color will be returned instead.

Description: If you don't append _here: returns true if player owns or is part of a land.
If you append _here: returns true, if the chunk at the player's location is claimed.

Description: Returns true, if the player is trusted in the area.

Description: Returns numbered permission value. Replace <permission> with any numbered permission.
Example: %lands_limit_lands.ownlands% would return 5, if the player has lands.ownlands.5 as the maximum amount of owned lands.

Description: Whether or not the player has a combat tag.

Description: Same as %lands_combat-tag%, but returns fixed values: true or false.


Description: Name of land

Description: Name of land without any color or formatting.

Description: Get name of land that is used for commands. Basically, this replaces all spaces in the land name, with underscores and doesn't contain any color or format.

Description: Owner name

Description: Name of the land's category.

Description: Role in land

Description: Get role color, which results of the role name.

Description: Amount of members in land

Description: Amount of members of the land that are online.

Description: Names of the land members that are currently online.

Description: Balance of the land.

Description: Balance of the land in short format. This depends on the "" option in config.yml.

    # The short format will use the normal format if the value is lower than 1000.
    # If the value is higher or equal than 1000, it will return {value} divided by 1000.
    # This format is only used by a small amount of messages.
    short: '${value}k'

Description: Land size

Description: Max claim amount for land

Description: Remaining possible claims for land

Description: Tax value of land

Description: Upkeep costs of land

Description: Land balance

Description: Cost value of next claim

Description: Name of the current level.

Description: Index of the current level. Example: 1

Description: Name of the next level.

Description: Index of the next level. Example: 1

Description: Get land color which comes from the name.

Description: ID of the land.

Description: Name of the subarea.

Description: Name of the subarea without color.

Description: Returns the type of the land's icon item. Will return "AIR", if there's no land.


_any Option

Display placeholders for any nation the player is in. So not just their current /edit land or the land at their position. Just append "_any" to the placeholder, to display the information for any nation the player is in.

Description: Nation name

Description: Name of nation without any color or formatting.

Description: Get nation color which comes from the name.

Description: Current level of the nation

Description: Index of the current nation level. Example: 1

Description: Next level of the nation

Description: Index of the next nation level. Example: 1

Description: Get remaining shield time.

Description: ID of the nation.

Description: If you don't append _here: returns true if player owns or is part of a nation.
If you append _here: returns true, if the chunk at the player's location belongs to a nation.


Description: The enemy in current war.

Description: Remaining time of the current state (preparation or fight).

Description: The current state of the war (preparation or fight).

Relation Placeholders

Placeholders that involve more than one player.

Description: Returns relation of two players (enemy, ally) during war. Returns an empty string while if the two players are not taking part in the same war.

Description: Returns relation of two players (enemy, ally, neutral) during war and while not in a war.

Top Lands and Nations

Format: %lands_top_<context>_<sorting>_<place>_<value>%

Parameter Explanation

  • <context> needs to be replaced with either land or nation.
  • <sorting> needs to be replaced with balance, chunks, members, level, ratio-kd (kills/deaths in wars ratio) or ratio-wl (won/lost wars ratio).
  • <place> needs to be replaced with the place. Example: 1
  • <value> needs to be replaced with name, owner, balance, size, members, ratio-kd or ratio-wl.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️