Tickets Module - Angeschossen/DiscordBridge GitHub Wiki


Allow users to create tickets in your Discord server.


  1. Set config values for the Discord server:
  • /config set tickets_category_open
    Open tickets will go here.
  • /config set tickets_category_closed
    Closed tickets will go here, before they get deleted.
  • /config set tickets_member_max_tickets
    Defines maximum amount of tickets per user.
  • /config set tickets_role_support
    Allow users with this role to see all tickets.
  1. Create ticket types
  • /config type create
    Create a ticket type.
  • /config field create
    Create fields that a user has to fill out when submitting a ticket of this type.
  • Optional: /config info create
    Allows you to predefine info to request in some cases after the ticket was created.
  • Optional: /config reason create
    Allows you to predefine reasons for closing tickets etc.
  1. Set ticket creation channel
  • /config set tickets_creation_channel
    Sends message in channel where they can create tickets. Only one channel can be set.