How to run simulation - Angelbots1339/ProgramingLessons GitHub Wiki

  1. Select the WPI logo (Or press Ctrl-Shift-P)

  2. Look up and select Simulate Robot Code !Pasted image 20230809175640.png

  3. Make sure sim GUI is selected

  4. Select OK !Pasted image 20230809175912.png

Using the Gui

!Pasted image 20230809180217.png The following items are shown on the simulation GUI by default:

  1. Robot State - This is the robot’s current state or “mode”. You can click on the labels to change mode as you would on the normal Driver Station.
  2. Timing - Shows the values of the Robot’s timers and allows the timing to be manipulated.
  3. System Joysticks - This is a list of joysticks connected to your system currently
  4. FMS - This is used for simulating many of the common FMS systems.
  5. NetworkTables - This shows the data that has been published to NetworkTables.
  6. Joysticks - This is joysticks that the robot code can directly pull from.
  7. Other Devices - This includes devices that do not fall into any of the other categories, such as the Talon FXs used in the lessons

Adding a System Joystick to Joysticks

To add a joystick from the list of system joysticks, simply click and drag a shown joystick under the “System Joysticks” menu to the “Joysticks” menu”.

Dragging a joystick from System Joysticks to Joysticks

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