Installing GNU Radio for Windows with Funcube Dongle - AndrewBIS/kicksat GitHub Wiki

Below are instructions for installing GNURadio on Microsoft Windows, including FunCube Dongle (FCD) and Zac's ground station decoder. This installation process has been tested on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Install the software below and follow the instructions in the order as shown:

1. Python interpreter - version 2.7.3

Direct link

Python Interpreter 2.7.4 should work although has not yet been tested, but other versions of Python Interpreter are not recommended. Whilst Python Interpreter 2.7.3 is not listed anymore, the direct link above still works.

2. NumPy - version 1.6.2 Superpack

Direct link

3. Python dependencies - version 0.6c11

Direct link

4. PyGTK - version 2.24.2 (all-in-one-installer)

Direct link

5. wxPython - version

Direct link

6. Visual C++ 2010 Runtime

Your computer may already have this installed or even a newer version installed, in which case no action is required. If you are unsure, download and the installer will advise you (do not install over a newer version).

Direct link

7. Python script

Open Command Prompt, change directory to where Python is installed (usually C:\Python27) and type:

C:\Python 2.7>cd scripts

C:\Python 2.7\scripts>easy_install cheetah lxml pyopengl

8. GNURadio

Download the following file and unzip it anywhere:

To run open the folder gnuradio and double click gnuradio.bat to run gnuradio-companion. A few example flowgraphs are included in the folder with gnuradio.bat, including the ones distributed by Zac as part of the ground station code (suggest starting with BitTest.grc, execute the flow graph and then click autorange).

Create a Funcube Dongle Source, and the Device Name should be the one shown in the Windows control panel, under Sound -> Recording Devices.

Decode a sample released by Zac Manchester