Fast hashing algorithm - Andrea-Bruno/FastHash GitHub Wiki

While everyone was celebrating New Year's Eve, I was already in bed to sleep ... and I had a nice present. When I woke up, I had a beautiful hash algorithm in mind (the benefits of autism!). And this algorithm that is technically the fastest of all, for 64-bit machines. You know that to do one thing, there are a thousand ways, but to do it well, the ways that there are to do it can be counted with one hand. For the logic of a computer this is the fastest hash algorithm possible, so much so that I hypothesized that to others, may have come to mind the same my algorithm (maybe in a dream), and I did a search .. Not I found nothing! I start the contest! Let's see if someone beats me writing a 256 Hash algorithm better than this! Why was this algorithm needed? In the field of cryptography, digital signatures, file transfers, checksums of data, etc. .. there is a tremendous need to be able to calculate the full data hashes, without weighing down the CPU (without slowing down). Now with another project I'm struggling with a virtualization environment, and in this environment I need to simulate a p2p network with multiple nodes. Everyone is intent on doing hashing operations, so that the physical machine often remains under stress during the tests. With this algorithm I will go much to lighten the performance impact. During the tests I also tried a multi-thread variant of the same algorithm, but there are no performance increases, so that part of the code I eliminated, also because the multi thread can give performance advantages on a single problem, however in a scenario that sees the server used in other parallel operations, this would paralyze the execution of the other operations that occur simultaneously.