Ovis Atre - An-Sar/PrimalCore GitHub Wiki
These carnivorous, mostly passive, sheep make their home in the nether, where they are typically found in small groups feeding on cineris cilium. When farmed responsibly they can provide wool, meat, milk, and a range of secondary products.
The Atre are highly territorial and will attack the majority of domesticated animals on sight. When provoked by players or hostile entities they will attack as a group with little regard.
Ore Dictionary Names for Valid Food items:
- "foodOvisAtre"
- "foodPoison"
- "foodRot"
- "foodFat"
- "listAllmeatraw"
- "listAllmeatrotten"
- "listAllfishraw"
- "listAllfishrotten"
Related Configs:
- OVIS_ATRE_SPAWN_WEIGHT set the spawn weight
- OVIS_ATRE_STATS set basic entity stats: speed, health, attack damage, follow range, knockback resistance
- OVIS_ATRE_FOOD_WHITELIST add dictionary name "foodOvisAtre" to arbitrary items that should be valid food
- OVIS_ATRE_FOOD_BLACKLIST remove arbitrary items that would otherwise be considered valid food