Modder Support - An-Sar/PrimalCore GitHub Wiki
For custom axes, to ensure that the tool will be able to harvest logs make sure to define the toolClass string of "axe" in the class constructor. It is possible to apply multiple toolClass names to a single tool, or if you need a custom name added feel free to open an issue and make the request.
public CustomAxe(Item.ToolMaterial material)
this.setHarvestLevel("axe", material.getHarvestLevel());
Ore Dictionary custom lit torches as "torch" or "firesource" (if you want to avoid possible overlap with vanilla torch recipes), these should automatically be accepted for re-lighting primal torches, lanterns, and other blocks.
Ore Dictionary custom blades or knifes, that you wish to function similar to the primal work blades, as "toolWorkBlade" to automatically pick up all the blade recipes. The custom blade will also need a container item defined in it's item class, so that the ItemStack takes damage and stays in the grid rather than being consumed:
public boolean hasContainerItem(ItemStack stack)
return stack.getItemDamage() < this.getMaxDamage(stack);
public ItemStack getContainerItem(ItemStack stack)
ItemStack container = stack.copy();
container.attemptDamageItem(1, this.itemRand);
return container;