Ladders - An-Sar/PrimalCore GitHub Wiki

Primal adds a variety of wood-type ladders. Unlike the vanilla ladder the primal variants are able to stand freely without a block placed behind, the block will still need to be connected on at least one side to another block, this includes another ladder block.

Most importantly is that ladders can be stacked in-world by clicking a placed ladder with another ladder in hand. The new ladder will place above or below based on available space and the direction the player is facing, This allows quickly setting up a ladder in places that would otherwise be out of reach, ie: up a cliff face or down into a pit.

Ladder Blocks

In addition to the wooden ladders, with the use of a Work Blade certain common blocks such as vanilla smooth stone can be crafted in-world into a Ladder Block. These are very useful early game and can allow ascending or descending you're way out of a difficult position. Be warned however, the narrow nature of these ladders makes it quite easy to fall to one's early demise. In addition to being dangerous the ladder blocks can be difficult to see.

Wooden Ladder Interaction:

  • Sneak-Clicking use an empty hand to easily pick up the ladder without taking the time to break the block
  • Stacking Ladders clicking a placed ladder with another ladder will automatically place the new ladder in the up or down direction the player is facing