Fish Traps - An-Sar/PrimalCore GitHub Wiki

Fish Traps are craft-able from a variety of wood types, once in hand simply place the trap int at least one block deep water, making sure the face is exposed to at least a few blocks of water.

Once placed the trap is idle until set with bait, which can be added by clicking the trap with the bait item in hand. A full stack can be added, but at this point it must be done one at a time.

Catching one or more fish will consume the current bait item, until the trap is full. Other items have a chance to get collected, items change based on biome.


  • Sneak-Clicking allows the trap to be easily picked up, it will however drop whatever items are contained within

Related Configs:

  • FISH_TRAP_TICK_RATE controls the base number of ticks the block will use when scheduling an update
  • FISH_TRAP_BASE_CATCH base chance of fish trap catching fish
  • FISH_TRAP_BASE_JUNK base chance of fish trap catching junk
  • FISH_TRAP_BASE_TREASURE base chance of fish trap catching treasure
  • FISH_TRAP_BAIT additional bait items for fish traps. example: harvestcraft:fruitbaititem