CraftTweaker: Tools - An-Sar/PrimalCore GitHub Wiki
The in-world tool recipes each have their own crafttweaker method that each follows the same layout.
For the examples below change to the name of the desired tool:
Gallagher, Blade, Axe, Shovel, Hoe
All values other than input_block are considered optional, however it is assumed you will provide at least output_block or output_itemstack, otherwise the recipe will essentially do nothing.
output_block will either be a valid block state that replaces input_block or is assumed to be air which effectively removes the target block, as seen with axe recipes for splitting logs.
output_orientation by default normal is used, facing is useful for output that should inherit facing from the player, such as the work blade making dirt stairs. current "log" orientation is not fully implemented
normal, facing, log
output_min_max is an array expecting two integer values, to represent the range of possible outputs, a single value will indicate a guaranteed output
String recipe_name,
IBlockState input_block,
@Optional IBlockState output_block,
@Optional IItemStack output_itemstack,
@Optional int[] output_min_max,
@Optional String output_orientation
Removing Recipes, currently this is done through the recipe name, it should be full form modid:recipe_name
mods.primal.<ToolName>.removeRecipe(String recipe_name);
Existing Recipe Names can be printed to the chat/console through an in-game command
/primal recipes axe
/primal recipes blade
/primal recipes gallagher
/primal recipes hoe
/primal recipes shovel